TV and Movie News (page 1403)

The Dude Composes: Jeff Bridges to Release Solo Album
April 19, 2011 @ 10:54 am PST    Tron: Legacy, Crazy Heart, Country Strong, True Grit, Tron: Legacy, Heaven's Gate, The Big Lebowski, Glee     Andy Neuenschwander    

Is Jeff Bridges taking a tip from Gwyneth Paltrow? According to Hollywood Reporter, Bridges is planning on recording a solo album with Blue Note Records, a division of EMI.

Just as Paltrow got a deal for her solo album after performing in "Country Strong" (and "Glee" of course), it seems that the record deal for Bridges stems from his appearance in "Crazy Heart" a couple of years ago, in which he played a washed-up country singer on a comeback.

Snap Decision: 'Game of Thrones' Already Renewed by HBO for a Second Season
April 19, 2011 @ 10:32 am PST    Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, True Blood, The Sopranos     Andy Neuenschwander    

It must be nice to be a show on HBO. While most TV shows, especially those on the networks, have to wait until nearly the end of their season to find out if they've been renewed, HBO will renew right after the premiere. Why? Because they're HBO. That's how they roll.

The fantasy epic "Game of Thrones" premiered on Sunday, and just this morning HBO decided that the show should have a second season.

Semi-Nude Lady Gaga Goes Ballistic in NME Interview, Tweets Bizarre New Album Cover (Pictures)
April 19, 2011 @ 8:41 am PST    The Grammys     Richard Sharp    

In a recent interview for British rock magazine NME, the never-shy Lady Gaga sort of freaked out, even by her standards.

"Let me tell you something. If you f****** rip my hairbow and my wig off my f****** head, my shoes, my bra, every single thing on my body, and you throw me on a piano with a microphone, I will f****** make you cry," said Gaga.

Wowzers. Preach on, sister.

Will Oprah Save the Soaps? Could 'All My Children' Have 'One Life to Live'?
April 19, 2011 @ 7:47 am PST    All My Children, One Life to Live     Richard Sharp    

With ABC pulling the plug on “All My Children” and “One Life to Live,” who will keep the sky from falling on the world of soaps? If one Facebook group has their way, the answer starts with “O.”

A group of soaps fans recently started a petition on FB called “PLEASE OPRAH PICK UP ALL MY CHILDREN AND ONE LIFE TO LIVE.” Not sure why the need for all caps, but it’s actually not a horrible idea.

VIDEO: Watch Stuffy Brits Reading 'Jersey Shore' Transcripts In 'Jersey Shore Gone Wilde'
April 19, 2011 @ 6:47 am PST    Jersey Shore     Andy Neuenschwander    

There's a lot to love about "Jersey Shore": the fights, the inappropriate comments, the hair gel. But sometimes it can be a bit...classless, don't you think?

Well, Playbill is here to fix that. The famous theatre magazine has released an original video titled "Jersey Shore Gone Wilde," featuring "Jersey Shore" in the style of legendary British playwright Oscar Wilde, who wrote The Importance of Being Earnest.

Episode 'Gossip Girl' Season 4, Episode 18 - 'The Kids Stay in the Picture' Recap
April 19, 2011 @ 6:39 am PST    Gossip Girl     Allie Basilica    

It’s been a while since we left the Upper East Side, so allow me to refresh your memory.

Lily Humphrey awaits her fate while a judge decides her punishment for forgery and obstruction of justice in the case of Ben Donovan. Blair and Dan took their friendship to the next level with a kiss and now we get to sit back and watch this one unfold. Raina Thorpe played bed swap and is now shacking up with Nate – in Chuck’s apartment – which is fine because we know Chuck still loves Blair.

Need a Will Arnett Fix? FX Set to Air Final 'Running Wilde' Episodes
April 19, 2011 @ 6:34 am PST    Running Wilde     Andy Neuenschwander    

The romance-comedy series "Running Wilde" premiered back in September, but only made it so far as November when Fox pulled it for November sweeps. Will Arnett fans everywhere pined for the loss of the new show. I suppose the Keri Russell fans out there were sad, too. Me, I just missed having David Cross around.

But just because a show has been cancelled doesn't mean that it's gone forever! Like a zombie rising from the grave, "Running Wilde" will be lumbering its way back onto your television, this time via cable TV.

Episode 'How I Met Your Mother' Season 6, Episode 21 - 'Hopeless' Recap
April 19, 2011 @ 6:33 am PST    How I Met Your Mother     Andy Neuenschwander    

Lithgow's back, baby! And hey, the young Barney is played by that kid from the minivan commercials. The episode opens with a flashback to Barney's youth, where he received an instruction from his dad that would shape the rest of his life: "Never stop partying."

Barney's dad still wants to connect, and Barney agrees to hang out finally...but with an ulterior motive.

New Taylor Lautner Pics from 'Abduction'
April 18, 2011 @ 7:01 pm PST    Abduction, Twilight     Andy Neuenschwander    

Just a few days ago, we saw the new promo trailer for "Abduction," Taylor Lautner's first post-"Twilight" release. Now, we have new images!

Two new pics from the movie were released today on the movie's Facebook page, showing Lautner interacting with co-stars Denzel Whitaker and Lily Collins (who is also Lautner's girlfriend). The pics show the kind of emotional states Lautner's character will be in throughout the movie: either very confused at the layers of deception he's been living under, or running like hell from the government spook

The Fate of 'Bones': Showrunner 'Confident' in Renewal Despite Emily Deschanel's Pregnancy
April 18, 2011 @ 3:55 pm PST    Bones     Andy Neuenschwander    

A few weeks ago when "Bones" star Emily Deschanel announced her pregnancy, we found ourselves wondering about the fate of one of the most popular procedural shows on TV. If Deschanel is set to be quite pregnant at the end of the year, how will that affect the "Bones" shooting schedule? Will there even be a season seven, or are these remaining episodes the last?

Hart Hanson, the showrunner for "Bones," said that he is "confident" that the show will be renewed, adding that it could be announced "anywhere between now and May 15th.