Simoun Season 1 Episode 1
Season 1

Ep 1. Fallen Wings

  • April 3, 2006

In the world of Simoun, every person is born as a female. At the age of 17, they must make a choice. They must either stay a female or become a male. Following this decision, they will carry out a life of that gender. The females who choose to remain females possess the ability to fly the mystical aircraft called Simoun.

Episode 1, titled "Fallen Wings," follows the life of a young girl named Aer, who is a member of a squad of priestesses who fly Simoun in the war. They fight against the neighboring countries with their aircraft, which is fueled by prayers. Aer is excited to be flying for the first time, and her nervousness is evident as they prepare to go into battle.

Her squad, Chor Tempest, is led by a young priestess named Neviril, who is considered the best Simoun pilot of all time. Neviril is respected and loved by all of the squad members. However, her emotional state is fragile, and she often wanders off in thought. Aer looks up to Neviril, and her presence helps calm Aer's nerves.

The squad receives orders to protect a city called Argentum from a neighboring country's attacks. As they fly towards the city, they are ambushed by enemy aircraft. The enemy planes are far more advanced than their Simouns. As a result, they are caught off guard. However, with Neviril's quick thinking, they are able to avoid the enemy, and they retaliate with their prayers.

During the attack, Aer discovers something incredible. She has the ability to communicate with her fellow squad members through telepathy. This is a rare ability that only a few priestesses possess. It is considered a gift from Simulacrum, their god. Aer is now more excited than ever to be a part of the squad since she now has a unique skill that can aid them in battles.

The battle intensifies, and the Chor Tempest squad is struggling to keep up. Neviril orders them to perform a special maneuver, which requires all of them to synchronize their flying. This is a challenging task, but they trust Neviril's judgment. As they sync their flying, they generate a massive amount of power that results in a massive explosion, destroying all of the enemy planes in their way. The maneuver is called the "Ri Maajon," which is the strongest attack possible with Simoun.

After the battle, the squad arrives in Argentum to inspect the damage. Aer is stunned as she discovers that the city's citizens are all male. She had never been exposed to a male before, and the concept is foreign to her. She is curious and intrigued by them.

The episode ends with the squad taking a break and relaxing in a communal bath. Aer witnesses her fellow squad members interacting, and she is able to understand them better. She also feels closer to Neviril, who opens up a little more. Aer realizes that the squad has a complex relationship, and she is merely a newcomer. She makes a promise to work hard and be a valuable member of the squad.

In conclusion, the first episode of Simoun sets the stage for a thrilling and engaging anime. The concept of gender-specific roles and the mystical power of prayer are unique and captivating. The characters are likeable and relatable, and the art style is beautiful and striking. The mix of action, drama, and subtle comedy makes for a well-rounded show. Simoun is definitely a show worth binge-watching.

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  • First Aired
    April 3, 2006
  • Language