Ep 2. It Fell...
- October 21, 2003
In Maburaho season 1 episode 2, titled "It Fell...", we continue to follow the story of Kazuki Shikimori, a young magician attending a prestigious school for magical students. Kazuki is known to be quite the rarity amongst the students at the school, possessing only a small amount of magical power which means he can only perform a limited number of spells before he becomes completely drained.
In the previous episode, we saw Kazuki come into contact with three girls: Yuna Miyama, Rin Kamishiro, and Kuriko Kazetsubaki. Much to his surprise, each of these girls revealed that they desire to have his children in order to maintain their own magical bloodlines. In the case of Kuriko, she announces in the episode's opening moments that "it has fallen", referring to the magical power that had just been passed down from her ancestors and into her own body.
As the episode progresses, we see that Kazuki is having a difficult time adjusting to the sudden attention from the three girls. In particular, he seems to be having feelings of jealousy towards Yuna, who he begins to suspect has romantic interest in another student at the school. Kazuki's jealousy and concern for Yuna leads him to attempt to keep her from seeing the other student, resulting in her becoming stranded alone in a forest during a sudden rainstorm.
The forest scene is perhaps one of the episode's most memorable moments, as it showcases the dramatic contrast in personalities between some of the characters. While Yuna becomes frightened and begins to cry, Rin exhibits a fierce competence by quickly setting up a tent and gathering firewood. Kuriko, meanwhile, takes command of the situation and begins barking orders at everyone.
Ultimately, the group is saved by the arrival of Kazuki, who had gone to great lengths to track them down and make sure they were safe. During the scene, we see Kazuki struggling to remain conscious as he attempts to perform a spell that will protect them from the rain. In a moment of vulnerability, he reveals that his limited magic power has left him feeling useless and powerless.
The episode ends with Kuriko informing the group that they will be hosting a party to celebrate the passing of her magical power. This, of course, leads to yet another altercation between the girls over who will be the one to have Kazuki's children. As they begin to argue, Kazuki, once again feeling overwhelmed, flees the scene.
Overall, episode 2 of Maburaho delivers a healthy mix of comedy, romance, and action. As we delve deeper into the show's world of magic and politics, the episode gives us a better understanding of the struggles that Kazuki and his fellow students face as they attempt to navigate the complicated world of magic.