- May 20, 2009
Kurokami The Animation season 1 episode 4, titled "TRACKER," follows the continued adventures of Kuro and Keita as they navigate the dangerous world of the Coexistence Equilibrium. In this episode, Kuro and Keita find themselves being pursued by a powerful Tracker - a member of an elite group tasked with hunting down rogue Alter users.
As they dodge the Tracker's attacks, Kuro and Keita begin to suspect that there may be more to his mission than meets the eye. With the help of a mysterious young girl named Excel, they set out to uncover the truth behind the Tracker's actions.
Meanwhile, forces within the Coexistence Equilibrium are also at work, as a group of rogue Alter users begin to seek out Kuro. As the stakes continue to rise, Kuro and Keita find themselves caught in the middle of a deadly game between two powerful factions.
Throughout the episode, the action ramps up as Kuro and Keita navigate the dangerous terrain of the Coexistence Equilibrium. The animation is top-notch, with stunning fight scenes and breathtaking landscapes that bring the world of Kurokami to life.
As always, the dynamic between Kuro and Keita is a highlight of the episode, with their banter and chemistry providing moments of levity even as they face down incredible danger. Fans of the series will find plenty to enjoy in this thrilling installment, as the story continues to build towards its explosive conclusion.