Gundam SEED Season 1 Episode 28
Gundam SEED
Season 1

Ep 28. Kira

  • October 30, 2004

Kira Yamato, one of the main protagonists in the series, takes the spotlight in episode 28 of Gundam SEED season 1 titled "Kira". The episode starts with the Archangel still in pursuit of the ZAFT battleship, the Dominion, which has set course for Boaz. Captain Murrue Ramius orders Kira to sortie in the Strike Gundam to intercept the Dominion and prevent it from reaching its destination. Kira hesitates at first, feeling conflicted about fighting his former friend, Athrun Zala, who is a ZAFT soldier and is currently aboard the Dominion.

Meanwhile, Athrun is also struggling with his emotions, torn between his loyalty to ZAFT and his friendship with Kira. He decides to make contact with Kira and request a ceasefire, hoping that they can resolve their differences without any bloodshed. Kira, still unsure of what he should do, asks for advice from the ship's crew, but ultimately chooses to stick with his duties as a soldier and follows orders to engage the Dominion.

The ensuing battle is intense and full of surprises as both sides jockey for position and try to outmaneuver each other. Kira proves himself to be a skilled pilot, using his knowledge of the Strike Gundam's advanced technology to gain an edge over his opponents. Athrun, however, is no slouch either, and their duel quickly becomes one of the most thrilling and memorable moments of the season.

As the battle rages on, Kira and Athrun engage in a heated conversation, with each trying to persuade the other to switch sides. Kira argues that ZAFT's ideology of superiority is flawed and that both Naturals and Coordinators are human beings deserving of respect and understanding. Athrun counters by pointing out the myriad injustices and atrocities committed against Coordinators by Naturals, including the creation of genetically enhanced soldiers like Kira himself.

Their argument is cut short when the Dominion's captain, Yzak Joule, orders a full-scale attack on the Archangel. Kira and Athrun put aside their differences and work together to repel the enemy assault, displaying remarkable teamwork in the face of overwhelming odds. The two friends manage to destroy the Dominion's main guns and disable its engines, rendering it helpless.

In the aftermath of the battle, Kira is hailed as a hero by his comrades, but he is conflicted once again. He is disgusted with himself for enjoying the thrill of battle and using his abilities to harm others. He realizes that he can never truly be at peace until he finds a way to end the war for good and find a solution that benefits everyone.

"Kira" is a standout episode that showcases both the strengths and weaknesses of Gundam SEED. On one hand, it features some of the show's best action sequences and character moments, as Kira and Athrun are forced to confront their beliefs and try to find a way to reconcile their differences. On the other hand, it also highlights some of the show's more simplistic and heavy-handed themes, particularly its preoccupation with genetic determinism and the notion that certain individuals are inherently superior to others based on their biological makeup.

Still, despite these flaws, "Kira" remains a must-watch episode for any fan of Gundam SEED. It is a crucial turning point in the show's narrative, as Kira begins to question his role in the war and search for a way to make amends for his actions. It also sets the stage for future episodes, as new alliances are forged and old enemies become allies in the fight for a better future.

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  • First Aired
    October 30, 2004
  • Language