Watch Gundam SEED
- 2002
- 1 Season
7.7 (2,791)
Gundam SEED is a Japanese anime series produced by Bandai that aired from 2002 to 2003. The show is set in the future and focuses on a group of young soldiers who pilot giant mechs, known as Gundams, to fight against a powerful organization called ZAFT. The main character of the series is Kira Yamato, a young boy who posses outstanding skill as a pilot but lacks confidence in his abilities. Kira finds himself caught up in the war between ZAFT and the Earth Alliance, two factions that have been battling for control of the Earth and its resources.
ZAFT is made up of genetically engineered humans known as Coordinators, who are seen as superior to regular humans. The Earth Alliance, on the other hand, is made up of natural-born humans who fear and oppress the Coordinators.
Throughout the series, Kira and his allies fight against ZAFT to protect the Earth and its people from destruction. The show explores themes of war, discrimination, and the question of what it means to be human.
Rie Tanaka voices Lacus Clyne, a prominent figure in ZAFT who eventually becomes an ally to Kira and his team. Takehito Koyasu plays Rau Le Creuset, a mysterious figure who works for ZAFT and has his own agenda. Masakazu Morita voices Shin Asuka, a pilot for ZAFT who is initially antagonistic towards Kira and his allies. Houko Kuwashima plays Flay Allster, a student who becomes involved in the war and has a complex relationship with Kira.
Other notable voice actors in the series include Akira Ishida as Athrun Zala, Kira's childhood friend who also pilots a Gundam for ZAFT; Kotono Mitsuishi as Murrue Ramius, the captain of the Earth Alliance ship Archangel; and Tomokazu Seki as Yzak Joule, a ZAFT pilot who is hostile towards Kira and his team.
The show also features music from Japanese artist T.M. Revolution and voice actress Maaya Sakamoto, who sings the show's opening and ending themes.
Overall, Gundam SEED is a thrilling and thought-provoking anime series that explores complex themes and features memorable characters and exciting mech battles. Fans of mecha anime and science fiction will not want to miss this show.