
Watch GayTerns

  • 2016
  • 1 Season

GayTerns follows four young interns for 2016 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Watch as they wade the political tides with voter registration, attending a Donald Trump debate and even going head to head with Bernie Sanders' LezTerns in the Oval Office.

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Extra: Hillary and Trump
4. Extra: Hillary and Trump
January 1, 2016
OutliciousTV is pleased to launch Debate Night Bloopers from Hillary and Trump. Starring Jay Malsky as Hillary and Claire Burns as Trump, these bloopers are actually part of an upcoming web series from OutliciousTV entitled GayTerns about 4 gay interns for Hillary Clinton.
3. LezTerns
January 1, 2016
The GayTerns find themselves in the White House Oval Office waiting for Hillary Clinton. Suddenly, they realize it's a trap by Bernie Sander's gang of lesbian interns, The LezTerns. The GayTerns and the LezTerns exchange some words with each other. It ends up turning into an all out brawl in the Oval Office after Jimmy insults Kailey by telling her that her girlfriend is bisexual.
2. Canvassing
January 1, 2016
The GayTerns are trying to turn out the vote and register voters on New York City streets. While some may be having luck getting voters, some would rather be doing something else like Snapchat. Dylan gets distracted by an attractive latin guy named Clark which instantly reminds Dylan of Superman. Suddenly he forgets what he's doing to give his full attention to Clark.
1. Republicans
January 1, 2016
In this premiere episode, the GayTerns are at a debate with Hillary and Trump. While expressing their excitement and admiration for Hillary, Max (Matty Frazier) suggests they name Republicans they would like to sleep with. Names such as Paul Ryan, Abraham Lincoln and even Caitlyn Jenner are thrown out there. Connor (Philip McLeod) has a secret crush on a very well known Republican from New Jersey.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2016