TV and Movie News (page 1494)

It's a Boy: TLC's 'Cake Boss' Buddy Valastro Adds Fourth New Family Member
February 16, 2011 @ 3:24 pm PST    Cake Boss     Tina Musial    

Add another layer to the Valastro family cake.

Buddy Valastro - aka the Cake Boss from TLC’s "The Cake Boss" - and his wife had their fourth baby on Monday morning.

Valastro tweeted to his fans: "Lisa had a baby boy! Carlo Salvatore was born today at 5:11pm! Mom and baby are doing great!! Baby Carlo is 7lb 3oz and 20 inches long."

Valastro told People Magazine that "we feel so blessed to welcome a healthy new baby into our family.

Taylor Lautner's Next Post-'Breaking Dawn' Conquest - A Michael Bay Movie
February 16, 2011 @ 2:27 pm PST    Twilight, Transformers: Dark of the Moon     Scott Nye    

Despite cameras still rolling on "The Twilight Sage: Breaking Dawn - Part 2," Taylor Lautner is wasting no time getting his post-werewolf ducks in order.

He's already onboard Incarceron and an untitled spy film, and somehow there's still talk of a Stretch Armstrong adaptation going around. Now, in what is sure to be every producer's dream come true, he and Michael Bay are shopping a project around town.

Forever Your Girl? Not So Much: Paula Abdul's 'Live to Dance' Cancelled After One Season
February 16, 2011 @ 2:06 pm PST    Live to Dance     Tina Musial    

Paula Abdul’s "Live to Dance" has been cancelled.

According to an unnamed source, Abdul was informed of the show cancellation on Friday, and she took the news particularly hard.

"She spent the weekend at her home, surrounded by friends, rehashing CBS' devastating decision and wondering what she would do next," a source said. The dance show started strong with 10.

'Green Hornet' Director Michel Gondry to Take on Nutty Philip K. Dick Sci-Fi Novel 'Ubik'
February 16, 2011 @ 1:53 pm PST    The Green Hornet     Scott Nye    

My girlfriend had a job last year that afforded her a lot of time to plow through her reading list. In her peak times, she'd plow through a book in a few days or so. One of the books she read during that time was Philip K. Dick's "Ubik," and every single thing she told me about it sounded absolutely insane, a sort of constantly unfolding trip through the subconscious.

If there's one modern director capable of translating that sort of fluid, stream-of-consciousness storytelling, it'd be Michel Gondry.

'X-Men: First Class' Director Matthew Vaughn Looks to Go to 'The Golden Age'
February 16, 2011 @ 1:50 pm PST    X-Men: First Class     Scott Nye    

Matthew Vaughn once declared that the superhero genre is almost dead.

Looks like in the meantime, he'll get while the getting's good. His last film, "Kick-Ass," was an adaptation of the Mark Millar series about a kid in the "real world" who decides to become a crime fighter. Right now, he's putting the finishing touches on "X-Men: First Class" in anticipation of its June 3rd release date.

Charlie Sheen and 'Two and a Half Men' Producer Chuck Lorre Exchange Insults
February 16, 2011 @ 1:13 pm PST    Two and a Half Men     Tina Musial    

When he's not smoking cocaine with pricy porn stars, Charlie Sheen is busy biting the hand that feeds him.

Sheen recently called out the producer from "Two and a Half Men," blaming him for the halt in production. Sheen says he has been ready to get back to work, however, Chuck Lorre is the one who has things held up.

In a radio interview on Fox Sports Radio, Sheen said that he was willing and able to work, but that Lorre had said that he needed two more weeks off to recover.

Lady Gaga Might Have Fibbed About Her Grammy Egg-Hatching Timeline
February 16, 2011 @ 12:58 pm PST    The Grammys     Tina Musial    

So we all know Lady Gaga knows how to demand attention and make an entrance. Her entrance in to the Grammy Awards last weekend was no exception to her extraordinary…style.

After the Grammys, when she literally hatched on stage, she discussed the incident with Ryan Seacrest on the radio.

What she told Ryan during that interview seems to be conflicting with information that people around the situation are saying.

Yidio Video of the Day: Random Acts of (Valentine) Kindness
February 16, 2011 @ 12:49 pm PST    Valentine's Day     Allie Basilica    

Want to make a girl's day? Hand her a rose, even if you don't know her, and tell her to have a great day!

Boston's T.K. Skendarian did just that on Monday while meandering through the Public Gardens.

30 long-stemmed roses went to 30 strangers, forcing 30 smiles that might never have been. I'm especially fond of the toothless smiles he brought out in the youngest recipients.

'The Dark Knight' and 'Inception' Now Available as 'App Editions'
February 16, 2011 @ 12:46 pm PST    The Dark Knight, Inception     Scott Nye    

Two of the biggest films in recent memory are coming to the smallest screens as Warner Brothers announced new App Editions of "The Dark Knight" and "Inception." Both can be downloaded for the iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.

The apps will allow users access not just to the films themselves, but also a ton of bonus features and social networking tools. The apps have features to share favorite quotes or anything else over Facebook and Twitter, and view a real-time feed of both networks related to the film as you're watching it.

Lindsay Lohan NOT Presenting David Letterman's 'Late Show' Top Ten Thursday Night
February 16, 2011 @ 12:41 pm PST    Late Show with David Letterman     Tina Musial    

It seems that the late night jokester was the butt of the joke this time.

David Letterman and his people have been advertising the fact that Lindsay Lohan was going to be on Thursday’s show and deliver the Top Ten List. The only problem – Lohan is not going to be in New York. Her people didn’t even talk to his people about appearing on the show. The whole thing was a farce from the beginning!

Someone from Letterman’s staff is probably getting their butt chewed out over this one.