Zindagi Gulzar Hai Season 1 Episode 11

Ep 11. Episode 11

  • February 8, 2013

Zindagi Gulzar Hai is a Pakistani TV drama series that follows the story of a young woman named Kashaf Murtaza who comes from a humble background and struggles to achieve her dreams in a society where social status and wealth hold paramount importance. In season 1 episode 11, we see Kashaf continuing to manage her work as a teacher while also dealing with the turmoil in her personal life. She is forced to confront her feelings for Zaroon Junaid, a wealthy and handsome man who she has been avoiding for quite some time.

The episode begins with Kashaf being offered a job as a junior lecturer at a prestigious university. Despite feeling happy about the opportunity, she is also anxious about how her colleagues and students will perceive her, given her modest background. Meanwhile, Zaroon comes to meet Kashaf at her home to apologise for his past behaviour and express his interest in her. However, Kashaf rejects him, citing his privileged upbringing and their differing social status as reasons for her decision.

As Kashaf struggles to navigate her love life, her family is going through its own set of challenges. Her younger sister Sidra is engaged to a wealthy man who is pressuring her to break off her ties with Kashaf and their mother Rafia. The reason for this is that Rafia had to take out a loan to pay for the girls' education, and the lender is now demanding repayment. The family's financial struggles are further compounded by the fact that Kashaf's father has been diagnosed with a serious illness.

Against this backdrop of personal and family crises, Kashaf finds herself drawn to Zaroon once again. She senses that he has changed and become more sensitive towards her and her values. She decides to give him a chance and agrees to meet him at a café, where they have a heartfelt conversation about their past, present, and future.

As the episode comes to a close, Kashaf is faced with a tough choice. Will she choose her ambitions and career over her feelings for Zaroon, or will she take a chance on love and risk societal disapproval and family conflict? Moreover, can she reconcile her desire for personal fulfillment with her familial obligations and responsibilities? These questions, and more, are explored with sensitivity and nuance in this standout episode of Zindagi Gulzar Hai.

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  • First Aired
    February 8, 2013
  • Language