Zig & Sharko Season 2 Episode 45
Zig & Sharko
Season 2

Ep 45. Marina Goes Farming

  • December 1, 2015

Zig & Sharko season 2 episode 45, titled "Marina Goes Farming," follows the adventurous mermaid Marina as she ventures onto land to try her hand at farming. Wanting to impress Sharko with her newly acquired farming skills, Marina sets out to grow a variety of fruits and vegetables on a small patch of land near the beach.

Despite having no previous experience with farming, Marina is determined to make the most of her new endeavor. She spends hours studying gardening books and researching the best soil types and planting techniques for the crops she wants to grow.

However, things don't go quite as planned for Marina when Zig the hyena, who has always been bent on catching her, catches wind of her new farming venture. Sensing an opportunity to finally capture the mermaid, Zig sets a trap for her using the very crops she has been growing.

As Marina tends to her garden, unaware of the trap that awaits her, Sharko becomes increasingly worried about her safety, knowing that Zig is always lurking nearby. He tries to convince her to come back to the safety of the water, but Marina is determined to see her farming project through to the end.

Despite Zig's best efforts, Marina manages to outsmart him and avoid being captured. And in the end, she is able to harvest a bountiful crop of fruits and vegetables to share with her friends.

Overall, "Marina Goes Farming" is a fun and adventurous episode of Zig & Sharko that showcases Marina's determination and resourcefulness in the face of danger. It also highlights the importance of perseverance and hard work in achieving one's goals, no matter how difficult they may seem at first.

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  • First Aired
    December 1, 2015
  • Language