Zig & Sharko Season 2 Episode 44
Zig & Sharko
Season 2

Ep 44. Daddy's Little Doggy

  • November 30, 2015

Zig & Sharko season 2 episode 44, titled "Daddy's Little Doggy," follows the ongoing adventures of Zig the hyena and his antics to capture and eat Marina the mermaid, who is constantly under the protection of her friend Sharko the shark.

In "Daddy's Little Doggy," Zig comes across a lost puppy who appears to be lost and searching for his owner. Zig sees an opportunity to utilize the puppy as bait to capture Marina. He names the puppy "Daddy's Little Doggy" and plans to train him to be a hunting dog to help him catch Marina.

Meanwhile, Sharko is tasked with babysitting a group of baby seals. With his hands full, Zig sees this as the perfect opportunity to put his plan into action. He trains Daddy's Little Doggy to sniff out Marina's scent at the bottom of the ocean, and the two set out on their mission.

As expected, Sharko is fierce in his efforts to protect Marina from Zig and Daddy's Little Doggy. However, the puppy soon begins to bond with Sharko and the baby seals, causing him to question his loyalty to Zig's plan.

Through a series of mishaps and adventures, Daddy's Little Doggy eventually realizes that his place is with his true owner, who was missing him dearly. He abandons Zig's plan, leading to a hilarious series of attempts by Zig to capture Marina on his own.

Ultimately, the episode concludes with a heartwarming moment as the lost puppy is reunited with his owner, and Zig once again fails in his quest to capture Marina. "Daddy's Little Doggy" delivers the classic Zig & Sharko humor and adventure that fans have come to love, with a touch of heartwarming storytelling for good measure.

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  • First Aired
    November 30, 2015
  • Language