Zig & Sharko Season 2 Episode 39
Zig & Sharko
Season 2

Ep 39. Unicorn Blues

  • November 25, 2015

Zig & Sharko season 2 episode 39, named "Unicorn Blues," follows the lively and adventurous lives of characters Zig, Sharko, and Marina. This episode introduces a new addition to the show, a unicorn named Pelusa.

Pelusa proves to be quite a challenge for Zig, who is determined to catch and eat her. The episode takes place in a picturesque beach setting, with clear blue waters and warm sand. Pelusa, with her magical powers, manages to outsmart Zig at every turn, much to his frustration.

Marina, who has a soft spot for Pelusa, tries to protect her from Zig's clutches. Meanwhile, Sharko, the tough and muscular shark, keeps a watchful eye over the trio, trying to maintain peace and order in their little corner of paradise.

As the episode unfolds, Pelusa's magical powers are revealed, including her ability to grant wishes. This revelation causes Zig to become more determined than ever to catch the elusive unicorn, despite Sharko and Marina's warnings about the consequences of harming such a magical creature.

The tension builds as Zig devises elaborate plans to capture Pelusa, using his wit and cunning to outsmart her at every turn. But despite his best efforts, Pelusa manages to escape his grasp time and time again, much to his frustration.

In the end, Zig learns an important lesson about the value of kindness and friendship as he discovers that Pelusa's magical powers can be used for good, rather than just selfish gain.

"Unicorn Blues" is a lighthearted and entertaining episode that will leave viewers chuckling as Zig and Pelusa engage in their playful game of cat and mouse. The beautiful animation and vibrant colors bring the beach setting to life, making for a visually stunning viewing experience. Overall, this episode is a must-watch for fans of the series and newcomers alike.

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  • First Aired
    November 25, 2015
  • Language