Zig & Sharko Season 2 Episode 38
Zig & Sharko
Season 2

Ep 38. Buzzing Around

  • November 24, 2015

The show Zig & Sharko follows the adventures of a hyena named Zig, a shark named Sharko, and a mermaid named Marina. In season 2 episode 38, Buzzing Around, Zig and Sharko are confronted with a new obstacle--a swarm of bees.

The episode starts off with Zig attempting to catch Marina, as usual. However, in the process of trying to sneak up on her, Zig accidentally disturbs a nearby beehive. The bees immediately chase Zig, who seeks refuge in Sharko's home. Sharko is initially annoyed with Zig for disturbing the peace, but when he realizes that the bees are still after Zig, he decides to help.

Sharko constructs a bee suit for Zig in order to protect him from the swarm. However, the suit doesn't work as well as expected, and the bees are still able to sting Zig. Meanwhile, Marina comes up with a plan to distract the bees so Zig can escape. She uses flowers to create a diversion, and the bees follow her instead.

With the bees no longer chasing him, Zig decides to use this opportunity to steal Marina's pearl. However, he accidentally drops it, causing a chain reaction that sets off a series of booby traps that Marina had installed to protect her home. Zig and Sharko are caught in the chaos, but they eventually manage to escape unharmed.

In the end, Zig realizes that stealing from Marina is not worth the trouble and decides to give up his pursuit. The episode ends with the trio back to their usual antics, with Marina enjoying a day at the beach and Zig plotting his next scheme.

Overall, Buzzing Around is a fun and action-packed episode that showcases the dynamic between Zig, Sharko, and Marina. The addition of the bees adds a new layer of excitement and challenge for the characters to navigate. With its clever humor and thrilling moments, this episode is sure to entertain both kids and adults alike.

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  • First Aired
    November 24, 2015
  • Language