Zig & Sharko Season 2 Episode 37
Zig & Sharko
Season 2

Ep 37. Rolling Action

  • November 23, 2015

Zig & Sharko is a French animated television series produced by Xilam Animation. The show follows the adventures of a starving hyena named Zig, who is constantly trying to catch and eat Marina, a beautiful mermaid. However, Marina is protected by her loyal friend, a shark named Sharko.

Season 2 episode 37 of Zig & Sharko is titled "Rolling Action." The episode begins with Zig attempting to catch Marina as usual, but he is frustrated when he realizes a new obstacle is in his way. Marina has discovered a new fun activity: roller skating. She is having so much fun that she has completely forgotten about Zig, which makes him even more determined to catch her.

Zig desperately tries to catch Marina, but he can't keep up with her skating skills. He comes up with a plan to stop her in her tracks by placing a pile of bananas in her path, hoping she will slip and fall. However, Marina is too agile and manages to dodge the pile of bananas with ease.

Sharko, who is watching from a distance, sees all of Zig's failed attempts and decides to help him out of pity. He tells Zig that if he wants to catch Marina, he needs to learn how to roller skate. Zig is skeptical at first, but he eventually agrees to let Sharko teach him how to skate.

Sharko and Zig spend the rest of the episode practicing their skating techniques. Zig struggles at first, but with Sharko's guidance, he soon starts to improve. They are interrupted by Marina, who is impressed by Zig's progress and invites him to join her in a roller skating competition.

Zig is excited to show off his skills and agrees to compete against Marina. The competition is fierce, with both Zig and Marina showing off their best tricks. Zig surprises everyone with his newly learned skills, and Marina is impressed with his performance.

In the end, Marina wins the competition, but Zig is still proud of himself for getting so far. Sharko congratulates him on his progress, and the episode ends with Zig and Marina roller skating together, finally getting along.

Overall, "Rolling Action" is a fun and lighthearted episode that teaches the importance of practice and perseverance. It's a great reminder that even the most unlikely characters can surprise us with their hidden talents.

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  • First Aired
    November 23, 2015
  • Language