Zero Punctuation Season 12 Episode 9
Zero Punctuation
Season 12

Ep 9. Metal Gear Survive

  • Not Rated
  • March 7, 2018
  • 300 min

Zero Punctuation is a fast-paced, irreverent video game review series that provides unique and entertaining critiques of popular games. In the show's 12th season, episode 9, host Yahtzee Croshaw takes on the controversial survival game Metal Gear Survive.

Croshaw dives right into the game's premise, explaining that it takes place after the events of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, when soldiers are sucked into a wormhole and transported to an alternate universe filled with zombies. The player takes on the role of one of these soldiers, tasked with surviving in this hostile environment while trying to find a way back home.

Croshaw wastes no time in pointing out the game's shortcomings, starting with its lackluster graphics and uninspired gameplay. He criticizes the game for feeling like a "watered-down version of something else," with recycled elements from previous Metal Gear Solid games tossed in with survival game tropes.

One of Croshaw's biggest complaints about Metal Gear Survive is its reliance on microtransactions. He notes that the game is designed to be a grindfest, with players expected to spend hours upon hours collecting resources to build structures and craft items. However, players can also progress more quickly by spending real money to purchase in-game currency.

Croshaw finds this system frustrating and unfair, as it gives players with more money an advantage over those who want to earn everything through gameplay alone. He also points out that the game's randomized loot drops, which can be purchased using in-game currency, can feel like a "gambling mechanic" that feeds into the microtransaction system.

In terms of gameplay, Croshaw criticizes Metal Gear Survive's lack of innovation and creativity. He notes that the game's primary focus is on base-building and resource-gathering, with combat taking a backseat. While he acknowledges that the game does have some interesting elements, such as crafting and exploring the alternate universe, he finds that the overall experience is lacking.

Croshaw also takes issue with the game's story and characters, which he feels are forgettable and unremarkable. He mocks the game's attempts at emotional moments, saying that they fall flat due to a lack of connection to the characters.

Despite these criticisms, Croshaw does acknowledge that Metal Gear Survive can be enjoyable in small doses. He notes that the game can be meditative and relaxing at times, with its repetitive gameplay giving players a sense of accomplishment when they finally finish a project or defeat a tough enemy.

Overall, however, Croshaw finds Metal Gear Survive to be a disappointment. He encourages players to avoid the game unless they are diehard Metal Gear fans or really enjoy survival games. He gives the game a low score, summarizing it as "a mediocre survival game with a Metal Gear skin."

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  • First Aired
    March 7, 2018
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Runtime
    300 min
  • Language