Zero Punctuation Season 12 Episode 5
Zero Punctuation
Season 12

Ep 5. The Inpatient and Doom VFR

  • Not Rated
  • February 7, 2018
  • 360 min

Zero Punctuation is a popular video game review show hosted by renowned critic Yahtzee Croshaw. In season 12, episode 5, Yahtzee takes a look at two horror-themed games: The Inpatient and Doom VFR.

First up is The Inpatient, a prequel to the popular game Until Dawn. The game is set in the Blackwood Sanatorium, a mental institution in the mountains of Colorado. Players take on the role of a patient who has suffered memory loss and must uncover the mystery of their past while trying to survive the horrors of the sanatorium.

Yahtzee starts off the review by praising the game's visuals, particularly the use of the PSVR headset to create an immersive experience. However, he notes that the game falls short in terms of storytelling and character development. The game's dialogue is stilted and the characters are one-dimensional, making it difficult for the player to care about their fate.

The Inpatient's gameplay also comes under fire from Yahtzee, who criticizes the game for relying too heavily on jump scares. He notes that while these can be effective in small doses, they become tiresome and predictable when used repeatedly throughout the game.

Overall, Yahtzee finds The Inpatient to be a disappointing entry in the Until Dawn universe. While the game's visuals are impressive, its lackluster storytelling and overuse of jump scares make it a less than satisfying experience.

Next up is Doom VFR, a virtual reality adaptation of the 2016 game Doom. The game puts players in the shoes of a UAC scientist who has been killed and uploaded into a robot body. Armed with an arsenal of weapons, players must fight their way through hordes of demons to stop the forces of Hell from overtaking the UAC facility.

Yahtzee starts off the review by praising the game's controls, noting that the game does an excellent job of adapting the fast-paced gameplay of the original Doom to the VR format. He also notes that the game's graphics are impressive, particularly in the way that the game renders enemies in 3D space.

However, Yahtzee also has some criticisms of the game. He notes that the game's story is virtually nonexistent, with very little explanation given for why the player is fighting demons. He also criticizes the game for its lack of variety in enemy types, noting that players will be fighting the same demons over and over again throughout the game.

Despite these criticisms, Yahtzee ultimately finds Doom VFR to be a fun and satisfying VR experience. The game's fast-paced gameplay and impressive graphics make it a standout in the VR space, even if it falls short in terms of story and enemy variety.

Overall, episode 5 of Zero Punctuation's 12th season provides a comprehensive look at two horror-themed games. While The Inpatient falls short in terms of storytelling and gameplay, Doom VFR proves to be a fun and satisfying VR experience thanks to its fast-paced gameplay and impressive graphics.

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  • First Aired
    February 7, 2018
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Runtime
    360 min
  • Language