Zero Punctuation Season 12 Episode 25
Zero Punctuation
Season 12

Ep 25. Vampyr

  • Not Rated
  • June 27, 2018
  • 360 min

Zero Punctuation is an animated web series that reviews video games in a fast-talking and comedic fashion. In season 12, episode 25, the host Yahtzee Croshaw reviews the game Vampyr.

The episode begins with Yahtzee praising the game's premise, which places the player in the shoes of a newly turned vampire. He notes that the game's setting of 1918 London is well-realized, with plenty of atmospheric touches like fog and cobblestone streets. Yahtzee then turns his attention to the game's mechanics, noting that combat feels weighty and impactful, especially when using the vampire's supernatural abilities.

However, Yahtzee notes that Vampyr can be a frustrating experience at times. He criticizes the game's decision to lock certain dialogue options behind the player's level, meaning that players may miss out on important information if they haven't spent enough time leveling up. He also takes issue with the game's reliance on random enemy encounters, which can feel repetitive and tedious after a while.

Despite these criticisms, Yahtzee is overall positive about Vampyr. He calls it a "flawed gem," noting that while the game has its issues, it's still an interesting and rewarding experience overall. He particularly praises the game's exploration of moral dilemmas, as players are tasked with balancing their need for blood to survive with the desire to protect and help the human residents of London.

Throughout the review, Yahtzee peppers his commentary with sarcastic quips and humorous observations. He occasionally takes jabs at the game's design, such as its sometimes clumsy animations or its reliance on overused video game tropes. These jokes help keep the review engaging and entertaining, even for viewers who may not be interested in the game itself.

Overall, Zero Punctuation's review of Vampyr offers a nuanced and humorous perspective on a game that has garnered a lot of attention for its unique take on the vampire genre. Fans of the game or of Yahtzee's comedic style are sure to enjoy this episode.

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  • First Aired
    June 27, 2018
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Runtime
    360 min
  • Language