Zero Punctuation Season 12 Episode 19
Zero Punctuation
Season 12

Ep 19. Silent Hill 4: the Room

  • Not Rated
  • May 16, 2018
  • 360 min

Zero Punctuation is a video game review series hosted by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. In this week's episode, Yahtzee dives into the horror game Silent Hill 4: The Room.

Yahtzee starts off by stating that he has never been a huge fan of the Silent Hill franchise, but he is willing to give this game a chance. He notes that the game was released in 2004 and that it is the fourth installment in the series. He also mentions that the game was developed by Konami and that it was originally released for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and PC.

The game's story revolves around a man named Henry Townshend who finds himself trapped in his apartment. He cannot leave and his only means of communication with the outside world is through a hole in his bathroom wall. Strange things start to happen in the apartment and Henry is forced to navigate through different dimensions to escape the room and uncover the truth about what is happening.

Yahtzee notes that the game's main selling point is its horror elements, but he finds that the horror is not very effective. He cites the game's poor graphics and lackluster sound design as reasons for why he is not scared. He also notes that the game relies too heavily on jump scares and that they lose their impact after a while.

The game's combat system is also a point of critique for Yahtzee. He notes that the combat is clunky and that it feels like an afterthought. He mentions that the game would have been better off without combat altogether.

Yahtzee also takes issue with the game's puzzle design. He notes that the puzzles are too convoluted and that they often require the player to backtrack and explore areas they have already been to. He mentions that this can be frustrating and that it takes away from the game's pacing.

Despite his criticisms, Yahtzee notes that there are some things that the game does well. He mentions that the game's atmosphere is unsettling and that the story is intriguing. He also notes that there are some interesting gameplay mechanics, such as the ability to look through the hole in the bathroom wall to see into other apartments.

Overall, Yahtzee concludes that Silent Hill 4: The Room is a decent game, but it falls short of its potential. He notes that the game's horror elements are not very effective and that the combat and puzzle design leave much to be desired. However, he acknowledges that the game has some interesting concepts that are worth exploring.

In conclusion, this episode of Zero Punctuation provides an in-depth analysis of Silent Hill 4: The Room. Yahtzee offers both praise and critique for the game, providing a balanced review for viewers.

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  • First Aired
    May 16, 2018
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Runtime
    360 min
  • Language