Zero Punctuation Season 12 Episode 17
Zero Punctuation
Season 12

Ep 17. God of War 4

  • Not Rated
  • May 2, 2018
  • 360 min

Zero Punctuation is a fast-paced video review series hosted by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. In this particular episode, Yahtzee takes on God of War 4, the latest entry in the long-running action-packed God of War franchise.

Right off the bat, Yahtzee notes that this iteration of God of War brings several changes to the series, both in terms of gameplay and overall tone. The game shifts from a fixed-camera, hack-and-slash adventure to a more open-world action RPG style. The camera is also closer to the character, Kratos, who has aged considerably in this iteration and now has a son, Atreus, who accompanies him on his quest.

Yahtzee praises the game's graphics and cinematic presentation, noting the stunningly detailed environments and characters. However, he does take issue with the game's pacing, which he finds a bit too slow for his taste. The game's lengthy cutscenes and dialogue-heavy moments, meant to flesh out the characters and plot, can sometimes feel tedious for the player.

Kratos' new son, Atreus, plays a key role in the game, both in terms of the story and gameplay mechanics. Yahtzee praises the way the game seamlessly integrates Atreus into the action, with the young boy assisting Kratos in combat and puzzle-solving. However, Yahtzee notes that Atreus can sometimes feel a bit overpowered, given his ability to stun enemies and summon animal spirits to aid in combat.

The combat system in God of War 4 is a major departure from previous entries in the series, and Yahtzee spends a fair amount of time discussing it. The game introduces a "runic" system, which allows players to equip Kratos with various magical attacks, each with their own cooldown timer. Yahtzee notes that this system adds a welcome layer of planning and strategy to the combat, but also notes that some may find it a bit overwhelming.

Overall, Yahtzee finds the combat in God of War 4 to be a satisfying blend of the new and the old, with just enough complexity to keep players engaged. He also praises the game's boss fights, which he finds to be challenging yet fair.

In terms of story, Yahtzee notes that God of War 4 takes a more grounded, emotional approach than previous entries in the series. The game takes place in Norse mythology, and Kratos' journey with his son Atreus is one of self-discovery and redemption. Yahtzee praises the game's writing and character development, particularly the relationship between Kratos and Atreus. Without giving away any spoilers, Yahtzee notes that the game has a few twists and turns that keep the story engaging from start to finish.

In his concluding remarks, Yahtzee notes that God of War 4 is a definite departure from previous entries in the series, but one that ultimately pays off. The game offers a stunningly realized world, engaging combat, and a heartfelt story that keeps players invested from beginning to end. While some may find the game's slower pacing and lengthy cutscenes a bit tedious, Yahtzee ultimately feels that God of War 4 is a worthy entry in the long-running franchise.

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  • First Aired
    May 2, 2018
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Runtime
    360 min
  • Language