Zero Punctuation Season 12 Episode 14
Zero Punctuation
Season 12

Ep 14. Far Cry 5

  • Not Rated
  • April 11, 2018
  • 360 min

Zero Punctuation is a popular video game review series hosted by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. In season 12, episode 14, Yahtzee delves into the world of Far Cry 5.

The episode starts with Yahtzee giving a brief overview of the game's setting and story. Far Cry 5 takes place in the fictional Hope County, Montana, where a fanatical cult called the Project at Eden's Gate has taken over the area. The player takes on the role of a deputy sheriff tasked with stopping the cult and its leader, Joseph Seed.

Yahtzee then moves on to the game's graphics, praising the attention to detail in the environment and character designs. He notes that the game's facial animations are particularly impressive, and that the game's use of lighting and shadows creates a suitably creepy atmosphere.

Next, Yahtzee discusses the game's gameplay mechanics. He notes that the game follows the typical Far Cry formula of open-world exploration, crafting, and shooting, but with a few twists. For example, the game introduces a "resistance meter" that tracks the player's progress in taking back the county from the cult. Yahtzee also mentions the game's use of "specialist" characters with unique abilities, such as a pilot who can provide air support.

While generally positive about the game's mechanics, Yahtzee does take issue with some aspects of the game. He notes that the game's AI can be frustratingly dumb at times, particularly when it comes to friendly NPCs who can get in the way of the player's shots. He also criticizes the game's story, calling it "predictable" and noting that the game's villains are a little too over-the-top.

Overall, Yahtzee seems to enjoy Far Cry 5, praising its attention to detail and solid gameplay mechanics. However, he does note that the game has a few flaws that prevent it from being a truly great game.

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  • First Aired
    April 11, 2018
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Runtime
    360 min
  • Language