Zelda: Breath of the Wild Gameplay - Zebra Gamer Season 1 Episode 19

Ep 19. Traveling!

  • February 2, 2018
  • 33 min

Zelda: Breath of the Wild Gameplay - Zebra Gamer season 1 episode 19 entitled "Traveling!" takes us on a journey through the expansive world of Hyrule as Link treks across the land in search of new adventures. As the episode begins, Zebra Gamer sets out from the village of Hateno and begins his journey to Kakariko Village, stopping along the way to explore the vast landscapes and defeat various enemies along the way.

One of the defining features of Breath of the Wild is its open-world gameplay, which allows for endless exploration and discovery. "Traveling!" gives us a taste of this as we follow Zebra Gamer through dense forests, rocky terrain, and winding mountain paths. Along the way, he stumbles across various hidden treasures, including treasure chests and rare materials that will come in handy later on.

As he travels, Zebra Gamer also encounters a variety of enemies, ranging from simple bokoblins to more challenging foes like guardians and lynels. Each battle requires careful planning and strategic thinking in order to come out on top, and Zebra Gamer demonstrates his skills as a gamer by taking down each one with ease.

Throughout the episode, Zebra Gamer provides insightful commentary on his experience playing the game, offering tips and tricks for navigating the world and taking down enemies. He also takes time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, pointing out various landmarks and notable features along the way.

One of the key objectives of the episode is to reach Kakariko Village, where Link can receive various quests and obtain new items and weapons. As he approaches the village, Zebra Gamer takes care to avoid detection by enemies and overcome various obstacles, such as crossing a river and scaling a rocky cliff.

Once he arrives in Kakariko Village, Zebra Gamer takes time to explore the various shops and vendors, stocking up on supplies and upgrading his weapons and armor. He also speaks with various NPCs (non-playable characters) to learn more about the world and uncover various side quests and objectives.

As the episode comes to a close, Zebra Gamer prepares to set out on his next adventure, armed with new weapons and items and ready to face whatever challenges come his way. "Traveling!" serves as a reminder of the breadth and scope of Breath of the Wild, offering a glimpse into the vast world waiting to be explored.

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  • First Aired
    February 2, 2018
  • Runtime
    33 min
  • Language