Watch Yumeria
- 2003
- 1 Season
Yumeria is a Japanese anime television series that was produced by Studio Deen and directed by Kazuhiko Inoue. The show was broadcasted on BS-i in 2004 and consists of twelve episodes. The story revolves around a fifteen-year-old boy named Tomokazu Mikuri. He lives with his aunt in Tokyo and has been having strange dreams lately. In his dreams, he meets a girl named Mone, who claims to be from another world, and together they fight against an evil ruler known as the Faydoom.
One day, while taking a nap, Tomokazu is transported to Mone's dream world, known as Yumeria. In Yumeria, Tomokazu discovers that he has the power to control a mecha called the Cybercasket. Along with Mone and four other girls, he fights against the Faydoom and its army of monsters.
As the story progresses, Tomokazu and the girls begin to develop relationships, and each character has their own motivations and backstory. The girls all have unique abilities and personalities, making them stand out from each other. For example, Mone is a hyperactive and cheerful girl, while Kuyou is a serious and reserved girl who used to be a member of the Faydoom army.
The show is a mix of comedy, action, and romance, with each episode featuring a new monster for the characters to fight. The action scenes are well animated, and the mecha fights are exciting to watch. The show also has some dark themes, such as the destruction of planets and the loss of loved ones.
The soundtrack for Yumeria was composed by Kenji Kawai, who also worked on the music for Ghost in the Shell and Rurouni Kenshin. The music enhances the mood of the show, with upbeat tracks during action scenes and somber tracks during emotional moments.
Yumeria was based on a video game of the same name for the PlayStation 2. While the show does not follow the game's plot, it does feature some of the game's characters and mechas.
Overall, Yumeria is an enjoyable show that blends different genres together. Its likable characters, exciting action scenes, and romantic subplots are sure to entertain viewers.
Yumeria is a series that ran for 1 seasons (13 episodes) between January 8, 2003 and on BS-i