Yoga Conversations with Rodney Yee

Watch Yoga Conversations with Rodney Yee

  • 2017
  • 1 Season

Yoga Conversations is a popular show on Gaia that features the renowned yoga teacher Rodney Yee. As the name suggests, the show focuses on conversations between Rodney and various key figures in the yoga community. Each episode delves into a specific topic related to yoga and explores it in depth.

The show has gained a large following among yoga enthusiasts who appreciate Rodney's nuanced approach to the practice. Rather than simply demonstrating poses, Rodney takes a holistic approach to teaching yoga, emphasizing the spiritual and emotional aspects of the practice in addition to the physical. His guests on the show reflect this approach, and include a diverse range of practitioners, from yoga instructors to philosophers to community leaders.

The show is shot in a relaxed setting that reflects the peaceful, contemplative tone of the conversations. Rodney and his guests sit on comfortable chairs or cushions, often in front of large windows that provide a view of a serene landscape. The conversations are casual and organic, with Rodney asking questions and offering his own perspective while allowing his guests to fully express their own ideas and experiences.

One of the recurring themes on Yoga Conversations is the role of yoga in helping individuals navigate difficult times in their lives. Many of Rodney's guests have faced personal challenges and have found solace and strength through their practice. These stories offer inspiration to viewers who may be struggling with their own issues.

Another key theme is the idea of yoga as a community. Rodney emphasizes the importance of developing connections with others through yoga, whether it be through attending classes or participating in group events. Many of his guests discuss the transformative power of practicing yoga alongside others who share their goals and values.

The show also makes a point of including guests who come from marginalized communities. Rodney recognizes that yoga has historically been practiced primarily by affluent white people and is working to change that by featuring practitioners who come from diverse backgrounds. By amplifying the voices of these individuals, the show helps to make yoga a more inclusive and accessible practice for all.

Overall, Yoga Conversations with Rodney Yee offers a unique and engaging look into the world of yoga. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, the show offers insightful conversations about the many benefits of practicing yoga. With Rodney's gentle guidance and the wisdom of his guests, viewers can deepen their own practice and develop a greater appreciation for this transformative practice.

Yoga Conversations with Rodney Yee is a series that ran for 1 seasons (9 episodes) between January 1, 2017 and on Gaia

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Sally Kempton: Goddess Meditation Practice
11. Sally Kempton: Goddess Meditation Practice
February 1, 2017
Enjoy a 10-minute yoga talk and meditation with Rodney Yee and Sally Kempton and dive into the fierce yet gentle presence of the warrior goddess Durga.
Hareesh Wallis: Tantric Philosophy
9. Hareesh Wallis: Tantric Philosophy
February 1, 2017
This 20-minute yoga talk with Rodney Yee and Hareesh Wallis explores the real practices of Tantra and how it was designed in the 5th century for people much like those who practice yoga today.
Sr. Draupaudi: The Self-Realization Fellowship
8. Sr. Draupaudi: The Self-Realization Fellowship
February 1, 2017
This 20-minute yoga interview with Rodney Yee and Sister Draupaudi will explore the Self-Realization Fellowship and how to achieve communion with the divine through meditation and pranayama practice.
Swami Sita: Sivananda Yoga
6. Swami Sita: Sivananda Yoga
January 1, 2017
Swami Sita, an expert teacher in yoga philosophy and methods and the Director of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm in Grass Valley, California, sits down to talk with Rodney Yee about Sivananda Yoga, its five principles to living a good life.
Phil Goldberg: How Vedanta was Introduced to the West
5. Phil Goldberg: How Vedanta was Introduced to the West
January 1, 2017
Join Rodney Yee as he sits down with author and scholar Phil Goldberg to talk about how Eastern philosophies and sacred texts were brought to the West, and how these teachings have transformed the landscape of modern-day culture.
Guru Jagat: Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan
4. Guru Jagat: Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan
January 1, 2017
Kundalini Yoga is one of the fastest growing schools of yoga and meditation in the world. Known as the €œYoga of Awareness€, Kundalini is a structured practice that is easily accessible to anyone, offering mantra-based meditations, healing mudras, and powerful kriyas that are scientifically being proven to transform your energy, body, and mind.
Scott Hobbs: Iyengar Yoga
3. Scott Hobbs: Iyengar Yoga
January 1, 2017
In this 20-minute interview, Rodney Yee talks to Iyengar yoga teacher Scott Hobbs, exploring the fundamental practices of this school of yoga and why Hobbs will practice inversions for nearly an hour each day.
Anne Dyer: Nada Yoga - Transformation Through Sound
2. Anne Dyer: Nada Yoga - Transformation Through Sound
January 1, 2017
Join Rodney Yee as he sits down with Ann Dyer to discuss Nada Yoga. Get an intimate look at the practices and principles behind €œsound yoga€ with one of the world€™s foremost teachers. Dive into mantra, the sound of OM, and meditation as a deep listening practice.
Sally Kempton: Meditation - Teaching the Mind Its Own Freedom
1. Sally Kempton: Meditation - Teaching the Mind Its Own Freedom
January 1, 2017
Join Rodney Yee as he discusses meditation and mantra with world-renowned and beloved teacher Sally Kempton. Explore the meaning of meditation, its purpose and its diverse practices, while also learning about Sally€™s personal journey.
Where to Watch Yoga Conversations with Rodney Yee
Yoga Conversations with Rodney Yee is available for streaming on the Gaia website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Yoga Conversations with Rodney Yee on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2017