Years of Living Dangerously is a documentary television series that aired on Showtime from 2014 to 2016. The show focuses on the impacts of climate change and seeks to highlight the urgency of taking action to mitigate its effects. The series features a star-studded cast including Thomas Friedman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Ian Somerhalder.
Each episode of the show features correspondents who travel around the world to investigate different aspects of climate change. The correspondents are a mix of celebrities and journalists, including Harrison Ford, Matt Damon, and Don Cheadle. Some of the locations visited during the show include Syria, Indonesia, and the United States.
The first episode of the show sets the tone for what viewers can expect from the series. Titled "Dry Season," the episode explores the impact of drought in areas such as Texas and Syria. Correspondent Thomas Friedman investigates how droughts are causing conflicts in Syria, while Arnold Schwarzenegger explores how Californians are adapting to drought conditions.
The second episode, "End of the Woods," is focused on deforestation. Correspondent Harrison Ford travels to Indonesia to investigate the deforestation that is threatening the survival of the orangutan population. The episode also explores how the global demand for palm oil is contributing to deforestation in Indonesia.
The show's third episode, "The Surge," explores the impact of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast of the United States. Correspondent Chris Hayes speaks with residents who were affected by the storm and highlights the need for better infrastructure to protect against future storms.
Another episode of the show, titled "Revolt, Rebuild, Renew," examines the response to Hurricane Sandy in the weeks and months following the storm. The episode looks at how communities came together to rebuild in the aftermath of the disaster.
The final episode of the series, "A Dangerous Future," explores the potential consequences of inaction on climate change. The episode features interviews with scientists who warn of the dangers of rising sea levels and the loss of biodiversity.
Throughout the series, the correspondents interact with local residents and experts to provide viewers with a firsthand account of the impact of climate change. The show seeks to move beyond the politics of climate change and present the issue as a global crisis that requires immediate action.
Overall, Years of Living Dangerously is a thought-provoking and informative series that provides a detailed look at the impact of climate change on people and the planet. With an engaging cast and compelling storytelling, the show is a must-watch for anyone interested in the future of the planet.
CastThomas FriedmanArnold SchwarzeneggerAmerica Ferrera
Premiere DateApril 13, 2014
IMDB Rating8.5 (822)
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