Xploration Weird but True

Watch Xploration Weird but True

  • 2016
  • 3 Seasons

Xploration Weird but True is a family-friendly educational show produced by Steve Rotfeld Productions and aired on FOX. The series premiered on September 30th, 2017 and has been airing new episodes regularly since then. The show is hosted by two enthusiastic and knowledgeable hosts, Carly and Charlie, who guide the audience through a catalog of strange and fascinating facts about the world around us. Each episode, the duo explores a different topic that is sure to captivate children and adults alike. They cover everything from the science of sleep, to the secrets of the deep sea, to the history of fashion, and much, much more.

Through a combination of vivid footage, engaging graphics, and fun experiments, Carly and Charlie demystify complex and obscure subjects in a way that is accessible and entertaining for viewers of all ages. Whether they are navigating a labyrinth of mirrors, investigating the power of lightning, or meeting a real-life superhero, they always manage to bring a sense of wonder and excitement to their discoveries.

One of the most unique aspects of Xploration Weird but True is its ability to draw connections between seemingly disparate topics. For example, in one episode, the hosts explore the world of sound, and show how it can be used to create music, navigate the wilderness, and even communicate with extraterrestrial life. In another episode, they dive into the history of optical illusions, and reveal how they have shaped everything from art to architecture to fashion.

But the show isn't just about cool trivia and mind-bending facts - it also has a strong educational component. In each episode, Carly and Charlie emphasize the importance of critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and creative problem-solving. They encourage viewers to look at the world with a sense of curiosity and wonder, and to never stop learning and exploring.

One of the things that makes Xploration Weird but True so appealing is its upbeat and infectious energy. Carly and Charlie have a natural chemistry together, and their enthusiasm for the material is contagious. Whether they're interviewing experts in the field, conducting fascinating experiments, or simply riffing off each other's jokes, they make every moment feel exciting and engaging.

In addition to its engaging content and lively hosts, Xploration Weird but True boasts high production values and eye-catching visuals. The show is shot in vivid high-definition, and makes use of state-of-the-art animation and graphics to bring complex concepts to life. Whether they're exploring the inner workings of the human body, journeying to distant planets, or investigating the mysteries of the animal kingdom, every frame is filled with stunning imagery and captivating visuals.

Overall, Xploration Weird but True is an excellent choice for parents and educators looking for a fun and educational show that the whole family can enjoy. With its delightful hosts, fascinating content, and high-quality production values, it's sure to spark curiosity and inspire a love of learning in viewers of all ages. Whether you're a science buff, a trivia nut, or just someone who loves to learn new things, this show has something for everyone.

Xploration Weird but True is a series that ran for 3 seasons (43 episodes) between September 10, 2016 and on FOX

Xploration Weird but True
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13. Camping
May 12, 2021
Carly and Charlie head out to Saguaro National Park to learn about camping.
12. Rockets
May 12, 2021
Carly and Charlie head to Stennis Space Center to learn about rockets.
Scuba Diving
11. Scuba Diving
May 12, 2021
Carly and Charlie head to Hawaii on a scuba diving adventure.
10. Explorers
May 12, 2021
Carly and Charlie visit Arizona to meet with a National Geographic Explorer.
9. Cooking
May 12, 2021
Carly and Charlie head to the Culinary Institute of America to get cooking.
Our Solar System
8. Our Solar System
May 12, 2021
Carly and Charlie visit a simulated Mars habitat in Hawaii.
Venomous Animals
7. Venomous Animals
May 12, 2021
Carly and Charlie head to the desert to learn about venomous species.
6. Trains
May 12, 2021
Charlie and Carly visit Steamtown Pennsylvania to learn about locomotives.
5. Photography
May 12, 2021
Carly and Charlie ask a Nat Geo photographer how to take the perfect photo.
4. Germs
May 12, 2021
Carly and Charlie must avoid germs in time for the Daytime Crafty Awards.
3. Farming
May 12, 2021
Charlie & Carly go to New York City to tour a self-sustaining, indoor vertical farm!
National Parks
2. National Parks
May 12, 2021
Charlie and Carly visit America’s oldest park
1. Dinosaurs
May 12, 2021
Hosts Carly Ciarrocchi and Charlie Engelman head to Dinosaur National Monument.
Where to Watch Xploration Weird but True
Xploration Weird but True is available for streaming on the FOX website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Xploration Weird but True on demand at Disney+.
  • Premiere Date
    September 10, 2016