WWE Story Time Season 4 Episode 2
WWE Story Time
Season 4

Ep 2. Growing Pains

  • October 16, 2020
  •   (11)

"Growing Pains" is the second episode of the fourth season of WWE Story Time, an animated series that provides a lighthearted and entertaining look at the behind-the-scenes antics of professional wrestling. The episode focuses on some of the most memorable and hilarious moments from the early careers of WWE superstars, highlighting the challenges they faced and the lessons they learned along the way.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to a series of short stories told by WWE legends like Big Show, Kane, and Mick Foley, as well as current superstars like Cesaro and Kofi Kingston. The stories all center around the theme of "growing pains," and offer a glimpse into the struggles and triumphs that these larger-than-life athletes experienced in their formative years.

One of the standout stories in "Growing Pains" is about the early days of The Big Show, who started his wrestling career as a college basketball player who was recruited by WCW. In the story, he describes the difficulties he faced in adjusting to the physical demands of the sport, as well as the mental challenges of performing in front of a live audience. Despite these challenges, he persevered and eventually became one of the most iconic figures in WWE history.

Another memorable story is told by Mick Foley, who shares a hilarious account of his first wrestling match in Japan. Foley describes the absurdity of the experience, including the fact that his opponent wore a mask and spoke no English, and the fact that the referee kept insisting that Foley was bleeding despite the fact that he was not. Despite the chaos, Foley managed to win the match and went on to become one of the most beloved figures in the sport.

Other stories in "Growing Pains" focus on the likes of Cesaro and Kofi Kingston, two superstars who have overcome their fair share of challenges in order to reach the pinnacle of their careers. Cesaro describes his journey from Switzerland to the United States, where he struggled to adapt to a new culture and a more intense training regimen. Meanwhile, Kingston shares a hilarious story about a disastrous early match that nearly ended his wrestling aspirations before they even began.

Overall, "Growing Pains" is an entertaining and insightful episode of WWE Story Time that offers a behind-the-scenes look at some of the most iconic wrestlers in the world. Whether you're a die-hard WWE fan or just looking for a fun way to pass the time, this episode is guaranteed to provide plenty of laughs and interesting insights into the world of professional wrestling.

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  • First Aired
    October 16, 2020
  • Language