WWE Story Time Season 3 Episode 5
WWE Story Time
Season 3

Ep 5. Family Feuds

  • September 16, 2018

WWE Story Time season 3 episode 5 titled "Family Feuds" is an exciting episode that features some of the most intense family conflicts in WWE history. In this episode, viewers get an inside look at the rivalries, drama, and controversy that have tarnished some of the most famous wrestling families.

The episode opens with a story about the legendary Von Erich family, who dominated wrestling in the 80s and early 90s. Their rise to fame was marred by tragedy as several members of the family died young, leaving the remaining siblings to carry on the family name. Viewers will hear from Kevin Von Erich as he shares some of the struggles he faced as a wrestler and a member of this famous family.

Next, the episode explores the turbulent relationship between the brothers Matt and Jeff Hardy. The Hardy Boyz were one of the most popular tag teams in WWE history, but their success was always overshadowed by their constant fighting and bickering. Fans will get an inside look at the backstage drama that led to their eventual split and subsequent reconciliation.

The episode then takes viewers to Puerto Rico, where the famous Colón family has dominated the wrestling scene for decades. Carlos Colón, Sr. and his sons, Carly and Eddie, have had an iconic career that has spanned over 50 years. The episode delves into their family history and highlights some of the biggest moments in their careers, including their epic battles with other famous wrestling families.

One of the most shocking and controversial wrestling families, the Poffo family, is also featured in this episode. Randy Savage and his brother Lanny Poffo had a long-standing conflict that involved multiple lawsuits, public feuds, and personal attacks. Here, viewers will hear a first-hand account of the tension that existed between the talented sibling duo.

The episode rounds off with possibly one of the most controversial families in WWE history, The McMahon family. Vince McMahon and his son Shane have had many ups and downs over the years, but their conflicts have never been more intense than when Shane decided to leave the business to pursue his own interests. Viewers will learn about the personal and professional struggles the McMahon family has faced, and how they have worked to overcome their differences.

In close, "Family Feuds" is a captivating episode that takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster through some of the most shocking and intense family rivalries in WWE history. This episode provides a rare glimpse into the personal lives of some of the most famous wrestlers of all time, and offers an inside look at the drama and conflict that has shaped their family legacies.

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  • First Aired
    September 16, 2018
  • Language