WWE Story Time Season 3 Episode 4
WWE Story Time
Season 3

Ep 4. New Beginnings

  • September 9, 2018
  •   (6)

WWE Story Time season 3 episode 4, titled "New Beginnings," takes us on a journey through some of the most pivotal moments in WWE history that led to fresh starts and new beginnings for some of the most iconic wrestlers of all time. From Stone Cold Steve Austin's transition from "The Ringmaster" to "Stone Cold," to The New Day's rebranding into the powerhouses we know and love today, this episode is all about the changes that propelled these superstars to the top of the wrestling world.

We hear from the wrestlers themselves, as well as some of their closest friends and colleagues, as they recount the stories behind these moments of transformation. We learn about the challenges and struggles they faced, both in the ring and out, and the decisions they made that ultimately led them down the path to success.

The episode also delves into some more behind-the-scenes moments, like the creation of the infamous "Austin 3:16" catchphrase and the origins of The New Day's dance moves. We get to see a side of these wrestlers that we don't often get to see, as they reflect on the personalities and quirks that helped them make it to the top.

Throughout the episode, we also get a sense of how these wrestlers have influenced each other over the years, whether it's through rivalries, alliances, or simply sharing a locker room. We see how Stone Cold set the stage for wrestlers like The Rock and John Cena, and how The New Day's infectious energy has inspired a whole new generation of performers.

But perhaps most importantly, this episode reminds us that in WWE, there's always room for a fresh start and a new beginning. Whether it's through a new persona, a new finishing move, or simply pushing oneself to be better, there's always an opportunity to reinvent oneself and rise to new heights.

Overall, WWE Story Time season 3 episode 4 is a fascinating look at the moments that have defined some of WWE's biggest stars. It's a must-watch for any wrestling fan looking to gain a deeper understanding of the sport's rich history and the personalities that have made it what it is today.

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  • First Aired
    September 9, 2018
  • Language