WWE Story Time Season 3 Episode 2
WWE Story Time
Season 3

Ep 2. How Embarrasing

  • August 26, 2018

In this episode of WWE Story Time season 3, titled "How Embarrassing," a collection of WWE Superstars, Legends, and Hall of Famers recall some of their most embarrassing moments in the ring and on the road.

The episode kicks off with former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas sharing his own cringe-worthy memory from the early days of his career. Korderas explains how a miscommunication between him and a wrestler led to a very awkward and embarrassing moment in the ring.

Next up, former WWE Superstar Ted DiBiase Jr. shares a hilarious story about a prank he played on one of his fellow wrestlers during a road trip. The prank may have been funny, but the aftermath left DiBiase feeling guilty and embarrassed.

Former WWE Diva Eve Torres also appears on the show, recounting a wardrobe malfunction she experienced mid-match. She explains how she managed to quickly improvise a solution, but not before the crowd caught a glimpse of something they shouldn't have.

WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry shares his own embarrassing moment, which revolves around an instance where he couldn't stop laughing during a live segment on Monday Night Raw. Henry recounts how he struggled to regain his composure on-camera, much to the amusement of the audience.

The episode also features a story from legendary wrestler Ric Flair. Flair recalls an incident where he accidentally got his jacket caught in the ropes during a match, exposing his upper body to the crowd. Despite his embarrassment, Flair managed to stay in character and keep the show going.

Another story comes from WWE Superstar AJ Styles, who talks about a time when he accidentally knocked himself out during a match. Styles explains how he had to rely on his fellow wrestlers to help him finish the bout, all while trying to mask the fact that he had been knocked unconscious.

Former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis also appears on the show, sharing a story about a time when she accidentally kicked one of her opponents in the face during a match. Kanellis explains how she felt terrible about the incident and even visited her opponent in the hospital afterward.

The episode wraps up with WWE Superstar Kofi Kingston sharing a funny story about a mishap he had during a victory celebration. Kingston explains how he accidentally knocked over the championship trophy and had to quickly come up with a way to smooth things over with the crowd.

Overall, "How Embarrassing" is a lighthearted and entertaining episode of WWE Story Time season 3 that showcases some of the more human moments that occur both in and out of the ring. The stories are both humorous and relatable, serving as a reminder that even the biggest and baddest wrestlers can still experience embarrassment and awkward moments.

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  • First Aired
    August 26, 2018
  • Language