WWE NXT UK Season 2019 Episode 23
Season 2019

Ep 23. Main Event: WALTER vs. Pete Dunne for the WWE UK Championship.

  • May 22, 2019

In the Main Event of WWE NXT UK season 2019 episode 23, the current WWE UK Champion WALTER faced off against former champion Pete Dunne in what is sure to be an epic matchup. Both of these competitors have a storied history, with Dunne having held the UK championship for more than 600 days before finally losing it to WALTER earlier this year.

The buildup to this match has been intense, with both WALTER and Dunne engaging in a war of words in the weeks leading up to the event. WALTER has proclaimed himself to be the best wrestler in NXT UK, while Dunne has vowed to reclaim the championship and prove himself once again as the dominant force in the division.

As the match gets underway, it becomes clear that both WALTER and Dunne are determined to come out on top. The two wrestlers engage in a series of grueling holds and high-flying maneuvers, each trying to gain the upper hand.

Despite his size disadvantage, Dunne proves to be a formidable opponent for WALTER, using his incredible agility and technical skill to keep the champion on his toes. However, WALTER's raw power and devastating strikes eventually prove to be too much for Dunne, and he is forced to endure a punishing assault from the champion.

Just when it seems like WALTER has the match in the bag, Dunne manages to pull off a stunning reversal, catching the champion off-guard and leaving him vulnerable. With the crowd on its feet, Dunne executes a series of devastating moves, including his signature Bitter End finisher, to pin WALTER and claim the UK championship once again.

The crowd erupts in cheers as Dunne is declared the winner, with fans chanting his name and celebrating his victory. WALTER, despite his defeat, shows respect for his opponent, shaking Dunne's hand and acknowledging his incredible skill.

Overall, this Main Event match is a must-see for any wrestling fan, offering an intense and dramatic showdown between two of NXT UK's top wrestlers. With its thrilling action, pulsating energy, and incredible athleticism, this is a match that will not soon be forgotten.

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  • First Aired
    May 22, 2019
  • Language