Watch WOS Wrestling
- 1969
6.2 (24)
WOS Wrestling is a British professional wrestling TV series that premiered on ITV in 2018. The show features a diverse roster of talented wrestlers from around the world, such as former WWE Superstar Stu Bennett (known as Wade Barrett in WWE), British wrestling legend Grado, and American wrestler Alex Spilling (FKA Alex Shane). The series is hosted by WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross, alongside British TV presenter Alex Shane, and American wrestler SoCal Val (Valerie Wyndham).
Each episode of WOS Wrestling presents a series of matches that showcase the athleticism, skill, and showmanship of its wrestlers. The show's matches are divided into different weight categories, including heavyweight, tag team, women's, and cruiserweight matches. Matches are fought in a traditional wrestling ring, with referees enforcing the rules and scores being kept on a scoreboard.
The characters in WOS Wrestling are colorful and diverse, with each wrestler bringing a unique persona and backstory to their matches. Whether it's the cocky villain or the underdog hero, each wrestler has their own motivations and goals that come into play during their matches. Some wrestlers also have alliances and rivalries with each other, which can play out over multiple episodes and storylines.
WOS Wrestling also features several big-name guest stars, including WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley and former WWE wrestler and actor Big Show. These guest stars add excitement and star power to the show, while also giving young wrestlers the opportunity to learn from some of the industry's biggest legends.
One of the most impressive aspects of WOS Wrestling is its production quality. The show features high-quality camera work, with multiple angles and close-ups capturing all the action in the ring. The show also incorporates impressive visual effects and graphics, which add to the excitement of each match.
In addition, WOS Wrestling features entertaining segments and backstage interviews that add depth to the show's characters and storylines. These segments provide insights into the wrestlers' personalities and motivations, while also hyping up upcoming matches and rivalries.
Overall, WOS Wrestling is a thrilling and entertaining wrestling series that showcases some of the world's most talented wrestlers. The show's diverse roster, colorful characters, and high production quality make it a must-watch for wrestling fans of all ages.