World's Funniest Animals Season 3 Episode 9

Ep 9. Episode 9

  • January 14, 2023

Episode 9 of World's Funniest Animals season 3 is another hilarious installment of the hit series. This episode features some of the wackiest and most entertaining animal videos from around the world.

The episode starts with a bang as we see a group of cats attempting to catch a remote-controlled car. As the car zips around the room, the cats get more and more excited, leaping and pouncing to try and catch it. It's a riotous scene that will have viewers laughing out loud.

Next up, we see a series of clips featuring dogs who are skilled at performing tricks. From a pup who can ride a skateboard to a golden retriever who can balance a treat on its nose, these pups are sure to impress. And if that's not enough, we also witness a dog who can fetch a beer from the fridge, much to the delight of its owner.

The episode takes a turn toward the unusual as we witness a cat who can play the piano. As its owner starts to play, the cat sits down at the keyboard and begins to paw at the keys. It's a bizarre and entertaining sight that showcases the unique talents of our feline friends.

We continue to see animals in unusual situations as we witness a group of goats who have taken over a man's car. The goats seem to be having a great time as they jump around and play on the car, leaving the owner struggling to regain control.

Later on in the episode, we see a hilarious clip featuring a parrot who loves to dance. As its owner turns on some music, the parrot starts to bop its head and move its wings in time to the beat. It's an unexpected and delightful sight that will have viewers bobbing their heads along with the bird.

The episode finishes with a bang as we witness a group of baby pandas who are learning to climb trees. As they struggle and tumble, it's clear that these little ones have a ways to go before they become expert climbers. But it's heartwarming to see them trying their best and having fun along the way.

Overall, Episode 9 of World's Funniest Animals season 3 is a laugh-out-loud episode that showcases the silly, quirky, and adorable moments that animals can provide. Whether viewers are animal lovers or simply looking for a good laugh, this episode is sure to deliver.

Watch World's Funniest Animals - Episode 9 (s3 e9) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download
World's Funniest Animals, Season 3 Episode 9, is available to watch free on The CW, CW Seed and stream on The CW. You can also stream, download World's Funniest Animals on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    January 14, 2023
  • Language