Watch World Destruction
- TV-14
- 1969
6.9 (104)
World Destruction is a 2008 anime series that follows the journey of a young man named Kyrie Illunis, who sets out on a quest to destroy the world. In this fantasy world, humans live in fear of the ruling beastman empire, which holds a monopoly on all resources and technology. Kyrie, a peaceful and carefree boy, wants nothing more than to overthrow the empire and bring about a new world order.
Kyrie is joined on his journey by a fierce warrior named Morte Asherah, who seeks revenge against the beastman empire for the murder of her family. Together, the two unlikely allies travel across the world in search of the World Destruction Committee, an organization that supposedly possesses the power to destroy the world.
The show's voice acting is superb, with notable performances from Todd Haberkorn as Kyrie, Luci Christian as Morte, and Robert McCollum as Toppy, a bizarre creature who attaches himself to Kyrie and provides some much-needed comic relief. The chemistry between the characters is excellent, with each one bringing their unique strengths and weaknesses to the table.
The animation in World Destruction is top-notch, with beautifully detailed backgrounds and character designs. The action scenes are especially impressive, with the fights between Kyrie, Morte, and the beastmen being both thrilling and visually stunning. The soundtrack is also worth mentioning, with a mix of orchestral and rock music that perfectly complements the show's epic scale.
One of the show's strengths is its exploration of the themes of identity and purpose. Kyrie struggles with his place in the world and his role in the destruction of it. Morte's quest for revenge often blinds her to the bigger picture, and Toppy's desire to be useful to Kyrie leads to some unexpected character growth.
World Destruction is not without its flaws, however. The pacing can be a bit slow at times, with some episodes feeling like filler. Some of the characters are also underdeveloped, with their motivations and personalities feeling a bit one-note.
Overall, World Destruction is an exciting and thought-provoking anime series with plenty of action and heart. Fans of fantasy and adventure will find plenty to enjoy, and the show's exploration of complex themes will leave viewers thinking long after the credits roll.