WKRP in Cincinnati Season 2 Episode 8

Ep 8. Patter of Little Feet

  • November 26, 1979
  • 7.5  (126)

In this exciting episode of WKRP in Cincinnati, titled "Patter of Little Feet," the lovable misfits of the WKRP radio station find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of chaos and confusion as they tackle an unexpected challenge.

The episode kicks off with the arrival of a peculiar visitor at WKRP. A young woman named Jennifer, who claims to be an old flame of Johnny's, drops in unannounced and reveals that she is pregnant. Shocked and uncertain of the situation, Johnny tries to make sense of the news and grapples with the idea of impending fatherhood. As the news spreads throughout the station, it sparks a flurry of speculation and gossip among the staff.

Meanwhile, the ever-ambitious Herb concocts a plan to boost WKRP's ratings. Inspired by the news of Jennifer's pregnancy, he convinces station manager Andy to organize a "Babython" – a live on-air marathon to raise funds for a local children's hospital. The idea is met with mixed reactions from the rest of the team, with some skeptical of its potential success. Nevertheless, Herb's relentless enthusiasm wins over the group, and they agree to give it a shot.

As the Babython gets underway, chaos ensues. With live broadcasts, phone-ins, and live performances, the station becomes a hub of activity. Each member of the WKRP team takes on a specific role in the event, showcasing their unique talents. Johnny hosts the main program, showcasing his charming and affable personality. The ever-nerdy Les Nessman covers the event with his meticulous attention to detail, while Venus Flytrap brings his smooth-talking style to his DJ segment.

Throughout the episode, the characters find themselves dealing with a range of comedic mishaps and challenges. From technical malfunctions to on-air blunders, the team must confront the unexpected obstacles that arise during the Babython. Despite the chaos, the staff remains determined to make the event a success and help support the children's hospital.

As the marathon progresses, the Babython begins to gain traction and attract attention from the community. Calls pour in from listeners showing their support, and generous donations start to flow in. The WKRP team is overwhelmed by the positive response and the impact they are making.

However, amidst the frenzy of the Babython, personal dramas continue to unfold. Johnny grapples with his mixed emotions about impending fatherhood and wrestles with how to reconcile his past with his current situation. Jennifer's unexpected visit brings added tension and uncertainty to their relationship, and their interactions throughout the episode are filled with both heartwarming and humorous moments.

As the episode draws to a close, the Babython reaches its climax, and the team eagerly awaits the final tally of donations. The episode leaves viewers on a cliffhanger, building anticipation for the outcome of the event and the resolution of the characters' personal struggles.

"Patter of Little Feet" is a delightful and engaging episode of WKRP in Cincinnati, showcasing the endearing quirks and dynamics of the station's eclectic group of employees. Filled with laughter, heartfelt moments, and a touch of drama, this episode is sure to entertain fans of the show while highlighting the enduring charm of WKRP and its unforgettable cast of characters.

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  • First Aired
    November 26, 1979
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.5  (126)