WKRP in Cincinnati Season 2 Episode 13

Ep 13. God Talks to Johnny

  • December 31, 1979
  • 7.8  (96)

Johnny Fever is a well-known radio DJ in Cincinnati, having previously hosted a popular show in LA before moving to WKRP. In this episode, he has a unique experience that leaves him questioning his sanity.

The episode begins with Johnny still trying to shake off a cold. When it comes time for his show, he's feeling a bit loopy from all the medication he's taking. Suddenly, he hears a voice in his head that sounds like God speaking to him. At first, he thinks it's just a hallucination brought on by his cold medicine, but the voice keeps talking.

The voice tells Johnny that he needs to spread the word about some important issues, such as world peace and the dangers of smoking. Johnny is skeptical at first, but he can't ignore the fact that he's having a conversation with what he believes to be God.

As the show continues, Johnny starts to share some of the insights he's receiving from the voice. His co-workers are initially amused, thinking it's just another one of Johnny's crazier ideas. But as the voice continues to speak to Johnny, his messages become more and more meaningful.

One of the first things the voice asks Johnny to do is to call his estranged father, whom he hasn't spoken to in years. Johnny is resistant to the idea, but eventually gives in and makes the call. To his surprise, his father is receptive and they have a heart-to-heart conversation.

As the show goes on, Johnny finds himself sharing some of the more controversial things the voice is telling him. For example, the voice suggests that WKRP start a campaign against smoking. This causes a rift with the station's owner, Arthur Carlson, who has close ties to the tobacco industry.

Despite the pushback, Johnny continues to follow the voice's lead. He organizes an anti-smoking event, which ends up being a huge success. Johnny even gets a chance to speak directly to his listeners and share some of the more spiritual messages he's been receiving.

At the end of the episode, it's still unclear whether Johnny was truly talking to God or if it was all just a hallucination. But one thing is for sure – Johnny's perspective on life has been altered forever. He's gained new insights and a newfound sense of purpose, thanks to his conversation with the mysterious voice.

Overall, this episode of WKRP in Cincinnati is a thought-provoking exploration of spirituality and the power of belief. The writing is sharp and engaging, and the acting is top-notch. Fans of the show will appreciate the deeper themes and messages, while newcomers will be drawn in by the compelling story and well-developed characters.

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  • First Aired
    December 31, 1979
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.8  (96)