WKRP in Cincinnati Season 2 Episode 12

Ep 12. Sparky

  • December 24, 1979
  • 7.4  (112)

In the WKRP in Cincinnati season 2 episode titled "Sparky," the radio station faces a unique challenge when they are tasked with creating a public service announcement for the fire department.

When the fire department asks WKRP to create a PSA with their lovable mascot, Sparky, the radio team jumps at the opportunity to help out. However, things quickly go awry when they discover that the person who usually dons the Sparky costume is in the hospital with a broken leg.

Desperate to complete the PSA in time, the station manager, Andy, decides to have one of the DJs, Les, put on the Sparky costume and sing a song written by the staff. However, Les is not the best singer, and tensions rise as the team works to pull off the project despite the obstacles.

Meanwhile, tensions also flare between station employees when one of the DJs, Johnny, becomes increasingly frustrated when he is not allowed to play certain songs on air due to complaints from the listeners.

As the station races against time to complete the PSA, they come up against several other challenges, including a faulty microphone and a comically stubborn Sparky suit that refuses to cooperate.

Despite all the obstacles in their way, the WKRP team manages to eventually complete the PSA and Sparky makes a triumphant appearance. The hilarious and heartwarming episode emphasizes the importance of teamwork and determination in the face of adversity.

Overall, "Sparky" is a standout episode of WKRP in Cincinnati that showcases the show's signature blend of comedy, heart, and social commentary. Fans of the show will love this charming episode, which is a testament to the enduring appeal of WKRP and its unique cast of characters.

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  • First Aired
    December 24, 1979
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (112)