WKRP in Cincinnati Season 2 Episode 11

Ep 11. Jennifer's Home for Christmas

  • December 17, 1979
  • 8.3  (147)

Jennifer's Home for Christmas is the eleventh episode of the second season of the hit sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati. First aired on December 20, 1979, this episode has become a fan favorite, thanks to its heartwarming storyline and stellar performances from the cast.

The episode begins with Jennifer Marlowe (played by Loni Anderson) receiving an unexpected visit from her parents on Christmas Eve. Jennifer is thrilled to see them, but quickly realizes that they have not come to spend the holiday with her. Instead, they have come to convince her to return home with them to the East Coast, where they believe she can find a more suitable husband and lead a more respectable life.

Jennifer is torn between her love for her parents and her loyalty to her friends and colleagues at WKRP. However, she ultimately decides to stay in Cincinnati and spend Christmas with her makeshift family, including Mr. Carlson (Gordon Jump), Andy (Gary Sandy), Venus (Tim Reid), Bailey (Jan Smithers), and Johnny (Howard Hesseman).

The rest of the episode follows the gang as they try to make Jennifer's Christmas special. They decorate the station, bake cookies, and sing carols. Meanwhile, Jennifer's parents continue to apply pressure on her to return home, leading to a climactic confrontation between Jennifer and her father.

As with most WKRP episodes, the humor in Jennifer's Home for Christmas is top-notch. There are plenty of one-liners and sight gags to keep viewers entertained. But what sets this episode apart is its emotional depth. Jennifer's struggle to reconcile her love for her family with her own desires and ambitions is handled with sensitivity and nuance. It's a rare moment of seriousness in a show that can be slapstick at times.

The highlight of the episode is undoubtedly the scene where the gang performs a rendition of "O Holy Night" for Jennifer. It's a beautiful moment, with each character getting a chance to shine. Even the usually gruff Johnny is moved to tears.

In the end, Jennifer's parents come to understand that their daughter is happy in Cincinnati and that her friends are as much her family as they are. They depart on good terms, leaving Jennifer with a newfound sense of confidence and belonging.

Overall, Jennifer's Home for Christmas is a delightful episode that showcases the best of WKRP in Cincinnati. It's the perfect balance of humor and heart, with a feel-good message that still resonates today.

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  • First Aired
    December 17, 1979
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.3  (147)