WKRP in Cincinnati Season 2 Episode 10

Ep 10. Bailey's Big Break

  • December 10, 1979
  • 7.7  (97)

Bailey's Big Break is the tenth episode of the second season of the television series WKRP in Cincinnati. This show, which originally aired in the late 1970s and early 1980s, was a popular sitcom centered around the employees of a small radio station in Cincinnati, Ohio.

In this particular episode, the focus is on Bailey Quarters, a young and ambitious employee who is eager to make a name for herself in the radio industry. Bailey is an intelligent and hard-working character who is often overlooked by her male colleagues because of her gender and youth. However, despite these obstacles, she is determined to succeed.

The episode begins with Bailey receiving an exciting opportunity: a chance to cover a major news story for the station. The story in question is the upcoming trial of a notorious criminal, and Bailey is eager to prove herself as a serious journalist by covering it. However, when she arrives at the courthouse, she is dismayed to find that all the prime reporting spots are already taken by more experienced journalists.

Undeterred, Bailey decides to take matters into her own hands and starts searching for a unique angle on the story. She stumbles upon a group of elderly women who are protesting the trial, claiming that the defendant is innocent. Bailey sees an opportunity here and decides to interview the women for the station.

As she begins to talk with the women, Bailey discovers that they are more than just a group of protestors. They are a close-knit community of friends who have been meeting regularly for over 50 years. They share stories, play cards, and generally enjoy each other's company. Bailey is intrigued by this group and decides to focus her story on them instead of the trial itself.

Her piece is a hit, and Bailey is thrilled by the positive feedback she receives. However, her celebration is short-lived when she discovers that her more experienced colleagues were keeping a secret from her. They had intentionally excluded her from the prime reporting spots at the trial, feeling that she was too inexperienced for the job. Bailey is understandably upset by this revelation and confronts her colleagues about it.

Ultimately, Bailey learns an important lesson about the importance of perseverance and determination. She realizes that she has to fight for what she wants, even if it means going against those who underestimate her. The episode ends on a positive note, with Bailey feeling confident and proud of her work.

Overall, Bailey's Big Break is a classic episode of WKRP in Cincinnati that showcases the struggles of a young woman trying to make it in a male-dominated industry. Bailey is a relatable and likable character who viewers will root for throughout the episode. The story is engaging and well-written, with plenty of humor and heart to keep viewers entertained.

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  • First Aired
    December 10, 1979
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (97)