Watch Wild America
- 2008
- 12 Seasons
8.6 (237)
Wild America is a wildlife series that initially aired in 1982 and is produced by Marty Stouffer Productions Ltd. The show is hosted and narrated by Marty Stouffer, who, through his exploration of the North American continent, presents a captivating view of the wildlife and natural beauty of the region.
Marty's journey takes him from the Rocky Mountains in the West to the bucolic forests of the East, and down to the arid desert lands of the Southwest. The series features a range of animals, from iconic American species such as the grizzly bear, bald eagle, and buffalo to lesser-known species such as prairie dogs, swift foxes, and burrowing owls. Additionally, the series showcases the flora and fauna specific to different regions and environments each episode features.
With a runtime of 30 minutes, each episode of Wild America delves into the diverse wildlife of a specific region or ecosystem. The show also includes stunning panoramic views of the landscapes and terrains, narrated in Martyâs unique style; he provides viewers with an insight into the intricacies of each region's ecosystems, the adaptations of its animals to the specific environment, and the ecological challenges affecting the wildlife populations.
Marty's style is easy-going, but not without its moments of seriousness. He conveys a deep reverence for the animals and ecosystems he explores, as well as a keen understanding of the ecological interdependence of everything that happens within them. He also highlights the history and evolution of the habitats in which the species exist, providing a deeper understanding of their habitation.
Wild America is not just a visual treat for nature lovers; itâs an insight into the unique ecosystem of the North American region. Many episodes offer insights into the human impact on the environment, the changes that have occurred due to urbanization, deforestation, and industrialization. Marty's narration presents a cautionary tale about the impact of human actions on the natural world and its inhabitants.
The series has some of the most beautiful footage of animals in their natural habitats, and Marty Stouffer's engaging narration adds depth to the overall experience. Viewers get an opportunity to see predatory animals at their most vulnerable, and more than once, the show captures remarkable moments such as grizzly bear moms and their cubs in the burrows or buffalo herds and their calveâs fresh from being born. Marty Stoufferâs relationship with the animals often has an approach to a mutual respect that is charming.
The series doesn't shy away from showing the harsher aspects of animal life, including how predators survive and how the battle for survival impacts those living in the wild. Still, it's never gory or explicit, which makes it an excellent option for families to watch together. Wild America is an enchanting and educational series that captures viewers' imagination and takes them on a journey through North America, one that is often forgotten in the hustle and bustle of today's world.
In summary, Wild America is a stunning portrayal of the natural world as seen through the eyes of a wildlife specialist, Marty Stouffer. The series captures the beauty, complexity, and interdependence of North America's ecosystems, offering an insight into the world often unseen by most people. The narration, paired with stunning visuals, is both educational and empowering, encouraging viewers to appreciate and respect the wildlife that surrounds us. The show is a perfect blend of entertainment and education, and it will leave anyone who watches it, young or old, with a deep appreciation for the natural world.
Wild America is a series that ran for 12 seasons (113 episodes) between November 10, 2008 and on Marty Stouffer Productions Ltd