Watch What Happens: Live Season 15 Episode 124

Ep 124. Watch What Happens Live 7/29/18

  • July 29, 2018

The show Watch What Happens: Live is a popular talk show that airs on Bravo network hosted by Andy Cohen. Season 15 episode 124 of Watch What Happens: Live is titled "Watch What Happens Live 7/29/18". The show features a mix of celebrity interviews, pop culture news, and interactive games with its viewers.

The episode begins with Andy Cohen addressing some of the most talked-about topics in the entertainment industry, including the latest buzz on Hollywood breakups, makeup trends, and social media feud. Later, he welcomes celebrity guests in the studio, who engage in a lively conversation about their latest projects, behind-the-scenes gossips, and personal lives.

One of the featured guests of the show is a popular reality TV star, who talks about her latest pregnancy announcement and how she plans to balance her personal life with her career. She also reveals some of her upcoming projects and her thoughts on the current season of her show. The other guest is a famous actor, who talks about his latest movie release and shares some of his most interesting moments on set. He also discusses his personal experiences with fame and how he keeps his private life away from the media.

Andy Cohen also brings back one of the most popular segments of the show, where he asks the guests to play a game of "Plead the Fifth". The game involves Andy asking a series of controversial questions to his guests, who are given the option to either answer or plead the fifth. The questions range from the guests' opinions about their fellow celebrities, their personal lives and relationships, and their biggest regrets in their careers. The guests' responses to these questions make for some of the most entertaining and revealing moments of the show.

The episode also features a mini-segment where Andy Cohen reads out some of the meanest tweets received by the guests on social media. This segment highlights the growing problem of cyberbullying and how celebrities are often the targets of online hate. The guests react to these tweets in their trademark style, making it a hilarious and thought-provoking segment.

Throughout the episode, the studio audience also gets to participate in a few interactive games like "Hashtag, You're It", "Do You Know Me?", and "How Would You Feel?". These games involve the audience members guessing the answers to questions about the guests, completing phrases or sentences, and picking the right option in a multiple-choice question.

The episode ends with Andy Cohen thanking the guests and the audience for an entertaining show. He leaves the viewers with a sneak peek of the upcoming episode and encourages them to tune in next week for another exciting episode of Watch What Happens: Live.

Overall, season 15 episode 124 of Watch What Happens: Live is a fun and engaging episode that highlights some of the most pressing issues in the entertainment industry. With its mix of celebrity interviews, pop culture news, and interactive games, the show is a must-watch for anyone who loves staying up-to-date with the latest happenings in pop culture.

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  • First Aired
    July 29, 2018
  • Language