Wabbit Season 3 Episode 15
Season 3

Ep 15. Riverboat Rabbit/Dorlock, P.I.

  • December 13, 2018

Wabbit is a popular American animated television show that features Bugs Bunny and other Looney Tunes characters in comedic adventures. In the 15th episode of the third season, titled "Riverboat Rabbit/Dorlock, P.I.," the audience gets to witness two different storylines featuring Bugs Bunny.

The first part of the episode, "Riverboat Rabbit," follows Bugs as he tries to save his carrot crop from hungry river rats. Bugs is on a mission to deliver his carrots to market, but the river rats have other plans. They sneak onto Bugs' riverboat in the middle of the night and start devouring his crop.

Bugs quickly realizes what's happening and tries to outsmart the clever river rats. He sets up a fake carrot field on the boat and lures the rats away from the real crop. But things get complicated when Bugs accidentally tosses a bunch of dynamite into the fake field, causing chaos.

The second part of the episode, "Dorlock, P.I.," sees Bugs playing a detective who is hired by Porky Pig to find his stolen pumpkin pie. Bugs takes on the persona of hard-boiled detective Dorlock and sets out to solve the mystery.

Bugs discovers that Yosemite Sam, who runs a nearby diner, is the culprit. Sam has been stealing pies from all over town and selling them in his diner. Bugs sets up a sting operation and catches Sam in the act. But instead of turning Sam over to the authorities, Bugs decides to teach him a lesson in his own unique way.

Overall, "Riverboat Rabbit/Dorlock, P.I." is a fun and entertaining episode of Wabbit that showcases the classic hijinks and humor that the Looney Tunes characters are known for. Fans of the show will definitely enjoy watching Bugs Bunny outsmarting both river rats and Yosemite Sam in this episode.

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  • First Aired
    December 13, 2018
  • Language