Ep 2. The Wanderer
- TV14
- February 26, 2015
- 44 min
8.0 (5,413)
After the shocking events of the previous episode, the second episode of season 3 of Vikings titled "The Wanderer" introduces several new storylines and characters. The episode follows the aftermath of the death of Siggy, one of the main characters of the show, and her funeral service. The opening shot of the episode sets the tone with the bleak image of her body, wrapped in a white shroud, floating down the river.
The first notable new character is the titular wanderer. He's introduced early on in the episode, wandering through the countryside. He's an enigmatic and mysterious figure, wearing a hooded cloak and carrying a staff. The wanderer is played by the renowned actor and filmmaker John Kavanagh, who gives an outstanding performance in the role.
Another new character introduced in this episode is the princess Kwenthrith, played by Amy Bailey. She's the sister of the late king of Mercia and is seeking vengeance against one of his former advisors. Kwenthrith is a complex character and her presence adds significant intrigue to the show.
Meanwhile, Ragnar and his warriors travel to Wessex to negotiate a deal with King Ecbert. The negotiations don't go as planned, and tensions rise between Ragnar and Ecbert. This subplot sets up the ongoing conflict between these two characters, which will continue throughout the season.
At the same time, Lagertha struggles with her grief over the loss of Siggy. She and Athelstan share a moment of mourning, which hints at a deeper connection between them.
One of the highlights of this episode is the stunning cinematography. The landscapes are breathtaking, and the lighting and camera work create an atmosphere of awe and wonder. The scenes featuring the wanderer are especially striking, with his hooded form silhouetted against the sky.
Overall, "The Wanderer" is a strong episode that sets up new storylines and characters that will continue throughout the season. It's a testament to the show's ability to keep viewers engaged with its compelling characters, gripping plot, and stunning visuals.