Victims of Cronyism

Watch Victims of Cronyism

  • 2019
  • 1 Season

Victims of Cronyism is a captivating show that unveils the ugly side of crony capitalism in the American economy. It is hosted by Timothy P. Carney, a seasoned journalist, and resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). The show deals with the corrupt and unethical practices that are rampant in today's industries, institutions, and political systems, and how these vices have had a detrimental impact on regular citizens.

Through in-depth interviews with various experts and people directly affected by cronyism, Carney paints a vivid picture of the extent to which big businesses, politicians, and lobbyists use their power and influence to circumvent regulations, secure special favors and preferential treatment from the government, and enrich themselves at the expense of ordinary Americans.

Victims of Cronyism does not shy away from the uncomfortable truth that cronyism is a bipartisan issue and is prevalent in both the private and public sectors. Carney expertly exposes how both Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, have been guilty of being compromised by special interests and lobbies that have hijacked the American economy and democracy.

The show covers a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, energy, and technology. It delves into the corrupt practices of big banks that were bailed out during the financial crisis of 2008, how pharmaceutical companies exploit patent laws and inflate drug prices, and how well-connected tech companies like Google and Amazon leverage their power to stifle competition and monopolize markets.

One of the key takeaways from the show is how cronyism subverts the free market, undermines innovation, and widens the wealth gap between the haves and have nots. The show drives home the point that cronyism not only harms the economy but also corrodes the trust and credibility of institutions and political leaders.

Victims of Cronyism is not just a show that exposes the ills of crony capitalism; it also offers solutions and ways to combat it. Through a series of informative and thought-provoking discussions, the show explores how citizens, civil society organizations, and leaders can build a more transparent, accountable, and fairer economy and democracy.

In conclusion, Victims of Cronyism is a must-watch for anyone who cares about the future of American democracy and the economy. It is a sobering reminder of the corrosive impact of cronyism and a rallying cry for citizens to take action and demand accountability from their leaders. With Timothy P. Carney at the helm, viewers can expect a high-quality production that is both informative and entertaining.

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Victims of subsidies
4. Victims of subsidies
September 5, 2019
Big cities love sports teams. So much so that they are willing to dig into the pockets of taxpayers to subsidize stadiums for big-name franchises at the expense of the health of their local economy. AEI Visiting Fellow Timothy P. Carney explains how a home run for government's favored enterprises can keep competitors on the sidelines.
Victims of regulation
3. Victims of regulation
September 3, 2019
Often regulations are needed to keep consumers safe, but AEI's Tim Carney explains that other regulations are frequently used only to protect existing businesses from competition.
Victims of protectionism
2. Victims of protectionism
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Government often tries to protect American producers from foreign competition. Sometimes this helps some US producers, but, as AEI's Tim Carney explains, protectionist policies create plenty of hidden victims.
Episode 1: Victims of government financing
1. Episode 1: Victims of government financing
August 27, 2019
Solyndra. Freddie Mac. Fannie Mae. When government finances big businesses, not only do taxpayers foot the bill for failure, competing businesses never get the chance to succeed. AEI Visiting Fellow Timothy P. Carney explains how government financing creates plenty of victims.
  • Premiere Date
    August 27, 2019