Vicky the Viking Season 2 Episode 16
Vicky the Viking
Season 2

Ep 16. Season II - Episode 16 - The Circus comes to Flake

  • TV-NR
  • January 1, 1974
  • 23 min

Season II - Episode 16 - The Circus comes to Flake

Vicky the Viking and his friends are excited to hear that a circus is coming to their village of Flake. Everyone is eagerly preparing for the big day, from building the tent to practicing their skills for the circus acts. But when the circus arrives, they are surprised to find out that the performers are not what they expected.

The circus is run by a greedy and selfish ringmaster who mistreats his animals and performers. Vicky and his friends are appalled by the mistreatment and decide to take action. They come up with a plan to help the performers and animals escape the circus and find a better home.

Along the way, they face many challenges and obstacles, including the cunning ringmaster and his minions. But with their cleverness and bravery, Vicky and his friends manage to outsmart them and save the day.

The episode showcases the importance of treating animals and people with kindness, respect, and dignity. It also teaches the lesson that standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity, can make a difference.

Overall, "The Circus comes to Flake" is a heartwarming and entertaining episode that the whole family can enjoy.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1974
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    23 min
  • Language