Vice News Tonight Season 1 Episode 91

Ep 91. March 6, 2017

  • March 6, 2017

On March 6, 2017, Vice News Tonight aired its 91st episode of the first season. This episode started with a segment about the effects of climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula. The host travelled to Antarctica and spoke to scientists about their research on the rapidly melting ice sheet. The segment explored the consequences of rising sea levels and gave viewers a glimpse into the impact climate change is having on the region.

The next segment covered the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. Vice News Tonight spoke to protestors and examined the ongoing battle between the Sioux tribe and the state and federal government. The segment also featured interviews with activists who were calling for a halt to the construction of the pipeline.

After this, the show covered President Trump's proposed budget cuts to the National Endowment for the Arts. The segment examined the impact the cuts would have on artists around the country and featured interviews with individuals who felt that the arts were an important part of American culture.

The next segment explored the rise of far-right political parties in Europe. Vice News Tonight spoke to leaders of groups like France's National Front and the Netherlands' Party for Freedom, examining the causes of the groups' popularity and their policies on immigration and nationalism.

Lastly, the show aired a segment on the recent measles outbreak in Minnesota. The outbreak was linked to a community that had low vaccination rates due to religious beliefs. The segment examined the controversy surrounding vaccination laws and explored the impact that anti-vaccine sentiment can have on public health.

Overall, the 91st episode of Vice News Tonight covered a range of topics, including climate change, political unrest, art funding, and public health. The show provided viewers with in-depth reporting and insights on each subject, giving them a balanced and comprehensive view of the issues at hand.

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  • First Aired
    March 6, 2017
  • Language