Vice News Tonight Season 1 Episode 88

Ep 88. February 28, 2017

  • February 28, 2017

Vice News Tonight season 1 episode 88, airing on February 28, 2017, explores the political and social landscape of the United States.

The episode begins with a report on the latest news from the White House, including President Trump's decision to make a major speech to Congress that night. Vice News reporters provide analysis of Trump's first major address to Congress, examining the policies and proposals he put forth. The episode also takes a look at the Democrats' response to the speech, including their critiques and reactions.

Next, the episode focuses on the ongoing debate over immigration in the United States. Vice News reporters visit New York City, which is home to a large population of immigrants. They speak with people on both sides of the debate, from immigrants who are worried about their future in the United States to supporters of Trump's immigration policies. The episode examines the economic, social, and political implications of Trump's proposals and the impact they could have on the lives of millions of people.

Later in the episode, Vice News explores the issue of gun control in America. The episode highlights the recent efforts to restrict the sale and possession of certain firearms, as well as the ongoing debate between supporters and opponents of gun control. Vice News reporters visit a gun show in Pennsylvania and speak with gun owners and enthusiasts about their views on the issue. The episode also examines the role of the NRA in shaping public opinion and legislation on gun control.

The episode next turns its attention to the United States' relationship with China. Vice News reporters examine the ongoing tensions between the two countries and the potential impact of Trump's proposed trade policies. The episode takes a closer look at the broader economic and geopolitical implications of the relationship between two of the world's largest economies.

Finally, Vice News Tonight season 1 episode 88 explores the Syrian conflict and the humanitarian crisis caused by the ongoing war. The episode highlights the plight of Syrian refugees and the efforts to provide aid and relief to those affected by the conflict. Vice News reporters speak with aid workers, refugees, and others involved in efforts to address the crisis. The episode examines the political and social dynamics that have contributed to the conflict and highlights the ongoing efforts to bring about a resolution.

Overall, Vice News Tonight season 1 episode 88 offers a comprehensive look at some of the most pressing issues facing the United States and the world in 2017. Through a combination of on-the-ground reporting and expert analysis, the episode provides a nuanced and insightful perspective on complex issues ranging from immigration to gun control to international relations and conflict. For viewers interested in understanding the political and social landscape of the United States in the early days of the Trump administration, Vice News Tonight season 1 episode 88 is a must-watch.

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  • First Aired
    February 28, 2017
  • Language