Vice News Tonight Season 1 Episode 70

Ep 70. January 31, 2017

  • January 31, 2017

On January 31, 2017, Vice News Tonight aired its 70th episode of the first season. The episode covered various topics in an informative and comprehensive manner, providing detailed insights into the latest world news and events.

The episode began with a segment on the protest of Donald Trump's travel ban, which was recently issued by executive order. The reporters discussed the confusion and chaos that ensued as people were detained at airports. The episode featured footage from JFK airport in New York City, demonstrating the chaos that ensued as families were separated and detained for hours.

In another segment, Vice News Tonight took a look at the infighting within the Republican Party as they struggled to dismantle Obamacare and replace it with an alternative plan. The episode featured interviews with politicians and healthcare experts discussing the implications of repealing Obamacare without having a solid plan for its replacement.

The episode continued with a segment on the Chinese nuclear program and the US response to it. The segment delved into the concerns of the Trump administration, which has become increasingly worried about China's nuclear capabilities and its geopolitical ambitions.

Vice News Tonight then took a look at the Syrian refugee crisis and the response of the US government to it. The episode featured an interview with a Syrian refugee, who shared the traumatic experiences he and his family faced as they fled their home. The segment also covered Trump's executive order, which indefinitely suspended the resettlement of Syrian refugees to the US.

In the next segment, Vice News Tonight covered the political turmoil in Gambia, where a contested election has led to violence and unrest. The episode featured interviews with local Gambia residents who shared their experiences of the violence and their hope for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

The episode concluded with a segment on the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, which has been one of the most contentious environmental issues in recent years. The episode covered the ongoing protests and the growing clashes between the protesters and law enforcement officials at the site.

Overall, the 70th episode of the first season of Vice News Tonight was an insightful and informative episode that covered a range of topics, from the turmoil within the US Republican Party to the Syrian refugee crisis and the Gambia crisis. With in-depth reporting and analysis, the episode provided viewers with a comprehensive understanding of these important issues.

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  • First Aired
    January 31, 2017
  • Language