Vets Saving Pets Season 1 Episode 7
Vets Saving Pets
Season 1

Ep 7. Excess Baggage

  • TVG
  • October 27, 2018
  • 1200 min

In this episode of Vets Saving Pets, titled "Excess Baggage," viewers are introduced to some of the incredible animals that veterinarian Dr. Devon Boyd and her team at the Animal Medical Center in New York City have the privilege of treating.

The show opens with Dr. Boyd assessing a young Chihuahua named Taco who is suffering from a herniated disc. The tiny pup is clearly in a lot of pain, but thankfully Dr. Boyd is able to perform the necessary surgery to alleviate his discomfort.

Next, we meet a large Great Dane named Buddy who has been struggling with mobility issues. Dr. Boyd worries that Buddy's weight may be contributing to his problems, so she recommends a controlled diet and exercise plan to help him shed some pounds.

The episode then shifts its focus to a more exotic patient -- a scarlet macaw named Ziggy who was brought in for a routine check-up. The team at the Animal Medical Center is happy to report that Ziggy is in excellent health, although they do discover that she may be in need of a dental procedure in the near future.

Later on, we meet an elderly cat named Boots who is struggling with some respiratory issues. Dr. Boyd suspects that Boots may have an infection, so she takes a sample for testing and prescribes some antibiotics to help clear up his symptoms.

Finally, the show introduces us to a pair of puppies named Bella and Zeus who were rescued from a hoarding situation. Both pups are covered in fleas and have a variety of health concerns, but Dr. Boyd and her team are determined to nurse them back to health.

Throughout the episode, viewers get a behind-the-scenes look at the Animal Medical Center. From the operating room to the kennels, every aspect of the facility is showcased. We also get to see the incredible bond that exists between the veterinarians and their patients. From comforting scared animals to celebrating successful recoveries, it's clear that the team at the Animal Medical Center truly loves the work they do.

By the end of the episode, viewers are left feeling grateful for the incredible work that veterinary professionals do every day. Whether they're treating a Chihuahua with a herniated disc or a Great Dane who needs to lose some weight, the team at the Animal Medical Center is committed to providing the best possible care for every animal that comes through their doors.

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Vets Saving Pets, Season 1 Episode 7, is available to watch free on NBC, Peacock and stream on . You can also stream, download Vets Saving Pets on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    October 27, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1200 min
  • Language