Watch Usagi Drop
- 2011
- 1 Season
Usagi Drop is a heartwarming slice-of-life anime television show broadcasted on Fuji TV. The story follows the life of a 30-year-old bachelor named Daikichi Kawachi. Daikichi is working in an office job and is content with his life until he returns home to find out that his grandfather has passed away. While attending the funeral, Daikichi discovers that his grandfather had a secret daughter named Rin, who is just six years old. No one in the family is willing to take care of Rin, and she is left all alone. Daikichi is shocked at how his family can abandon a little child and decides to take responsibility for her. What follows is a beautiful journey of two completely opposite people who are brought together by fate and slowly learn to love each other.
Usagi Drop is a show that aims to showcase the bond between a parent and a child. The relationship between Daikichi and Rin is the backbone of the show. At first, Daikichi doesn't know anything about raising a child, and Rin is withdrawn and unresponsive. But as time passes, they grow to become each other's family. Daikichi's character development is evident throughout the show, and it is beautiful to watch him gradually turn into a devoted father. He takes care of Rin in the best possible ways, from buying her clothes to making her bento. He learns to put her needs before his own and is constantly thinking about her welfare. Rin, on the other hand, is a shy and introverted child who has been hurt by abandonment. She is scared to trust anyone, but under Daikichi's care, she begins to open up and enjoy her childhood. The tender moments shared between the two are pure and heartwarming. The show is a reminder that family is not just about blood, but it is about love, care, and companionship.
Apart from the heartwarming relationship between Daikichi and Rin, the show also tackles various aspects of parenting. The writers have done an exceptional job at portraying the challenges of raising a child, from potty training to enrolling her in school. Rin's growth and development are shown in a realistic and relatable way. The show also touches upon the topic of single parenthood and the discrimination that comes along with it. The society that the show is set in is not very forgiving of single parents, and Daikichi has to learn to navigate through the stigma of being a single man raising a child. Nevertheless, he is determined to do what's best for Rin, and that's what makes the show so beautiful.
The animation style of Usagi Drop is simple yet elegant. The animation is clean and crisp, and the backgrounds are subdued, which brings the focus to the characters. The show is directed by Kanta Kamei, who does an excellent job of capturing the emotions of the characters. The sound design is exceptional, and the music is subtle and beautiful. The opening and closing themes are both catchy and go perfectly with the show's theme.
Overall, Usagi Drop is an exceptional show that will tug at your heartstrings. It is a reminder that family is not about blood but about love and care. The show is emotional, heartwarming, and beautiful, and is bound to put a smile on your face. It is a must-watch for anyone who wants to experience the joy of parenthood, or for anyone who loves slice-of-life shows. The show is a masterpiece and should not be missed.