Urusei Yatsura Season 5 Episode 1
Urusei Yatsura
Season 5

Ep 1. Duel! Benten vs. the Three Daughters

  • January 25, 1984

Duel! Benten vs. the Three Daughters is the thrilling first episode of season 5 in the iconic anime series Urusei Yatsura. Set in the lively town of Tomobiki, this episode introduces an exhilarating clash between two powerful characters, Benten and the Three Daughters. Packed with action, humor, and a touch of romance, this episode promises to captivate both long-time fans and newcomers alike.

The episode kicks off with a bustling summer festival in Tomobiki, filled with colorful decorations and lively music. As the town's residents enjoy the festivities, a mysterious figure catches the attention of the crowd. It is none other than the confident and enigmatic Benten, one of the Seven Lucky Gods who has descended upon Earth.

Benten exudes an irresistible charm and confidence, attracting the admiration of the festival-goers. However, her strong presence also catches the attention of a mischievous trio known as the Three Daughters. These misfit extraterrestrial siblings, Kirara, Rupa, and Ryunosuke, are famous troublemakers who delight in wreaking havoc wherever they go.

Recognizing Benten as a worthy adversary, the Three Daughters cannot resist the opportunity to challenge her. They believe that defeating her would solidify their reputation as the most powerful extraterrestrial beings on Earth. With mischief in their eyes, they initiate a duel against the formidable Benten.

In a sudden turn of events, Ataru Moroboshi, the series' protagonist, finds himself caught in the crossfire. As the episode unfolds, Ataru becomes an unwitting pawn in the Three Daughters' scheme to overpower Benten. With his usual knack for attracting trouble, Ataru's comedic antics add a lighthearted touch to the intense duel between the extraterrestrial powerhouses.

Meanwhile, the feelings between Lum, an Oni alien who is deeply in love with Ataru, and Benten begin to intertwine. Lum, who also possesses formidable powers, cannot help but feel an intense rivalry towards Benten. Their clash not only involves physical strength but also their affections for the hapless Ataru. This love triangle creates a complex dynamic that adds depth and emotional tension to the episode.

As the battle between Benten and the Three Daughters escalates, it becomes evident that their powers are evenly matched. Each character brings their unique abilities into play, showcasing beautiful and visually stunning attacks. The animation captures the intensity and adrenaline of the fight, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

Amidst the chaos, the town of Tomobiki faces collateral damage. The individuals caught in the crossfire find themselves unwittingly involved in the duel, which adds an element of unpredictability and excitement. With their homes and loved ones in danger, the residents of Tomobiki rally together to support each other and find a way to end the mayhem.

In the end, the outcome of the duel between Benten and the Three Daughters remains uncertain. This action-packed episode leaves viewers eagerly anticipating the next installment, as the characters' destinies and love connections hang in the balance.

Duel! Benten vs. the Three Daughters sets the stage for an enthralling season 5 of Urusei Yatsura. With its dynamic fight sequences, comedic interludes, and underlying romantic tensions, this episode showcases the series' unique blend of action, humor, and romance. Join the residents of Tomobiki as they navigate this thrilling chapter of their lives, where love and battle intertwine, and the fate of the characters hangs in the balance.

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  • First Aired
    January 25, 1984
  • Language